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Dr. Mantis Toboggan

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Everything posted by Dr. Mantis Toboggan

  1. this film sucked. 2 dimensional stereotype characters in an unconvincing cgi backdrop, with terrible music.
  2. here http://btjunkie.org/torrent/Jersey-Shore-S01E04-DSR-XviD-SAiNTS/4358aa7bde59481a21b7b33db50ea1b847066224664d
  3. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread.......................... these cunts get £8.50 an hour to beg strangers for money
  4. this is how guy fawkes was killed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hung_drawn_and_quartered
  5. that cut is horrific. looks like an inverse eyebrow
  6. christo you obviously know a lot about china, I've only been there once, briefly, but I'm still going to continue to believe that china's government is the main detrimental factor for people's quality of life there not the general population. if people are treated like shit then they gonna act like shit. also, you ever been to taiwan? it's a different world, there's no con artists roaming the streets, cabbies always use the meter, you don't have 2 tier pricing for white people, police are corrupt, but less corrupt than on the mainland. as both countries share the same culture and majority ethnic group it would seem to me like china's government has had a major negative effect on the people it controls. I simplified stuff a lot here but still.
  7. 50s must have sucked. 80s weren't great, looking back there was some good music but living in thatcher's britain was kinda shit.
  8. corona only tastes good in hot weather
  9. judging by the ad I don't think I'm black enough to drink this
  10. sagat/akuma/c. viper are top tier. arguably ryu as well. seth has no stamina you only need to hit him like twice to win. and his ultra does fuck all damage.
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