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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. "It must be an awful feeling to have love all around you and not feel loved, to be in need and unable to accept what’s being offered, to see a world of possibilities but trapped inside your own mind." — Tracy L. Darity
  2. Well I fix holes in them like a shitty landlord(aka slumlord) fills in holes in your walls.
  3. I know it's about filling your life with meaningful things, those holes that you used to try to patch up with booze..the real things hold up better than the temporary fix of alcohol. And I know thissssss mannnn...Sometimes it's just hard. I'm pushing to search for the realness though. It's out there somewhere. It's when I'm not finding it that trips me up.
  4. Anyone get a flick of that retarded spot gane and texas did with rollers? was gone by the time I tried for a night flick. Shit was gnarlyyyy. Props on that one.
  5. Congrats Red. Get some DeWalt tools. they're pretty good.
  6. Why are legos so expensive these days? it's crazy!
  7. I feel that streaks happen. Once you drink, it's easy to maintain that for a while. Same flip of the coin, once you are sober, it's easy to keep that sobriety going. My drinking happens in streaks, and my sobriety happens in streaks. I'm upset that I haven't done as well as I'd like to lately. One thing that does help is to plan sober activities in advance, the next day etc. Make a list of things you have to get done. Try and eliminate that downtime, boredom leads to boozing. Luckily I have a place I can go and do things when I need to be sober and productive. Thank God for that outlet. other news, I haven't bought a pack of cigarettes in over two weeks. I'm going to stick with that. I've been using the electronics, and while I'm sure they're not great for you, they are better than lighting up actual tobacco into your lungs. Big progress for me. I was feeling so terrible from american spirits all day. I don't want to die that way, and I didn't want to keep having one the first thing I do when I wake up. That shit is ridiculous.
  8. Dear Protester, if I made 28,000 a year I'd feel like a millionaire. Dear Sizes, still in shock your brother would run the meter on you. Dear Soul mate, You made me realize how much dogs rule, and humans suck. Seriously the worst. Sorry I missed your birthday, but I'm sending you a belated present, keep a nose out for it. Dear Ghetto I live in, I feel I need to rap my way to stardom to escape this place. All the whaite trash and homeless crackhead prostitutes are really bumming me out. And you neighbors are super loud and annoying all the time, shut up. Dear friend who doesn't live here, Thanks for the invite, looks like I might travel the country again, fuck it. Dear Fword. I think I love you. Definitely have a crush going on, thanks for being the only vibrant thing around here. Dear Coffee Shop guitar dude. Thanks for playing these chill jams, you're really good.
  9. no cause that's gross. And my watch needs a new battery. TPBM is wasting their time on this site instead of doing something more productive they need to get done.
  10. False, white is better. TPBM doesn't like pizza crusts.
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