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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. looks just like the last girl I dated. smash.
  2. ^ I do the same. Kids was like a voice of reason in this crazy mixed up world. Dude kept it real, just kind of put it all out there.
  3. so they can get a business degree with a minor in lapdancing.
  4. all the nerd comments are on point. smash times infinity. SMAAAAAAASSSHHHH NEEEEEEERRRRDDDSSSS!!!!
  5. One of my friends seriously hurt himself on a bender. had to go to the ER. He's having a lot of trouble dealing with the whole thing right now. Lucky to be alive. Booze is deadly, remember that. Just be aware of the dangers and what could happen. stay safe nurgas.
  6. true, but I find myself digging people's older styles more. More raw, less polished.
  7. DTN who spends the extra money to get the fancy two-ply soft quilted toilet paper with the fancy litttle designs on them.
  8. I can't stand being in airports. I hate it. I'd rather be anywhere else.
  9. TNKSL that plop sound of turds hitting the toilet water.
  10. smdoublebubble, I like that. And tanks for checking in on me and my old man ailments. Welcome back Cali! Dear world, stop judging me because i'm not working. there's more to life. Eventually I'm sure I'll get some random shitty job and then you will all get on my case for not having a "real job" I'm doing me. DEAL WITH IT.
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