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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. falling asleep but i have to be somewhere in an hour. just want to nap.
  2. 11979470-happy-weirdo-man-on-the-phone-isolated-on
  3. well said. everyone got all fame drunk off of getting "likes." people kept it more real here.
  4. struggling. it's been an everyday thing. first night in a long time i didn't drink, my liver hurts. i need to take astep back and focus on other things.
  5. there are other accounts, but none with the level of notoriety the original account had. best week ever.
  6. got closer to katy perry's boobs than i ever will.
  7. haha great stories. that situation is the worst though.
  8. has to be a joke, has to be. either way that sums up 2015 in a nutshell.
  9. smash all, except one man banneds post
  10. you're crazy, I'd smash and tell the world.
  11. I have Lyme disease. the deer ticks came from white footed mice who are carriers. NOT ALL THE TIME WILL YOU GET THE BULLSEYE RASH. I did not have one. I started having trouble walking, I was limping everywhere and one morning i woke up and had an intense sharp pain in my knee that locked up so bad I needed to get a cane to help get around. Getting tested is the only way to know. it wasn't that expensive, this way if you know you can get antibiotics to take care of it. It will always be dormant in your system, but not nearly as bad. There's a great movie with Alec Baldwin called Lymelife. check it out. Stay safe out there everybody.
  12. Thanks for sharing toiletseat, you're always appreciated here. POZ very eloquent description of real things and how to begin to deal with them. I've been struggling the last couple of weeks, actin a fool. I picked up some more work shifts to keep occupied and make money since i spent so much. I'm staying sober tonight, working on some personal projects, creative things i can make and sell and get some satisfaction naturally. I've still been sewing, which is very relaxing and a great way to deal with stress. I feel it kind of lets an overactive mind relax staying focused on a task. Stay up everyone.
  13. with the cool girl shades on....dope bugsex!
  14. that's a great start, you're going for the basic straights to understand the structure. keep it up. scale, that stuff is too good for this thread, nice work.
  15. that's a good day. Happy birthday to Grandpa Drue, dude looks healther and happer than I am, that's what's up. Did you drink that banana boat sport too?
  16. i think 5 was the last good one, they started to taper off after that. 3 was my all time favorite. Fist I saw the Dwarves play with the Queers last summer, great show. I was wilin' out for sure.
  17. Domino's thin crust usually gives me diarrhea the next morning, but worth it If I don't have to be anywhere. not eating pizza cause it may give you diarrhea is like not wanting to fall in love cause you *might possibly* get your heart broken. better to have loved pizza and have the squirts than to never have pizza at all. look at these babies from Pizza Delicious in New Orleans in the Bywater. very good, and will fill you up.
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