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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. there's a difference between 'inspecting' and feeling a cold ass nose on your ass. And dont lie , I kow one of you sick fucks have not stopped the dog when he wants to taste whats goin on.
  2. maybe the guy i tried that with isnt the only "curious" one.? Laughs, was his name Johnny? haha ok, so a few years ago..maybe like 6 yrs, i was kinda/sorta talking to this one dude. Some typical Myspace blossomed friendship. A very genuine guy. We talk, we go out, we see eachother..and after a few months he comes over and this would be the 1st time we fuck. Lemme back it up a bit. I had these 2 dogs, 2 bassett hounds. Sassafrass and Ed Earl. Ed Earl was THEEEE most attention seeking dog I have ever known. (also one of the cutest) Typically, when i had 'company' over, he would have to get the boot and get locked out of the room. He was like most dogs, and would sneak up on the bed and try to put his nose where it didnt belong, or you would look up and he would be staring at ya like some creep. He really killed the mood. So, upon being locked out of the room, he would whine, which turned into a howl. I didnt want him waking others up, so the howl wold normally get him access back into the room. When there were times when no one was home, i would let that fucker howl til his lungs hurt. He got wise, and would shit right in front of the door, so as you are opening the door, with the guy you just laid, you both are greeted with a fresh mound of dog shit. Ugh..so embarassing. So back to the story..new dude is over, we are gettin down. Ed earl gets the boot. howls, gets let in room. Jumps on the bed a half million times, and during the act of sex, you are pushing him off the bed..yelling. "ed earl..get down"..it was fucking ridiculous. but hilarious at the same time, especially with this guy, because he had a great sense of humor. Finally Ed Earl decides to calm his ass down, and give me a break. Like a kid who is up to no good, he gets real quiet..but suspiciously quiet. After a few minutes this horrific smell creeps up under our nose..we look over and he is taking a shit right next to the bed. . there was no way to play this off..or try to dismiss it and finish. We had no choice but to laugh..nothing sexier than picking up dog shit while ur naked..and him going around opening windows and spraying air freshener. We decided that sex just wasnt in the books for us..still stay in touch, and are great friends.
  3. Dear World. I ALMOST feel back in touch with you. Even tho my "overnight' shipping of my new phone, that I ordered on Wednesday, JUST got here. Now if I can get this internet thing on the up and up. Dear Peoples... hope you having a nice night -XXL
  4. 1st thing that came to mind-Topanga
  5. i dont click links often in here. my luck..this shit is the previous page tho. or last year. creepy nonethelss
  6. true, lil fucker. tpbm has had a bird draw blood on them
  7. dont know. the person below knows what that means
  8. Dear psycho people NBB is talking about. yes, relax. relax and listen to this jam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD8AFbD2mmE Luv luv
  9. Decy..i usually start a pies day..then forget. Then go through my pictures and think.."wtf is this picture in here for?" here's today. must have slept hard last night. this is a messy bed for me. the most out of control bed head iin the morning. wake up to clean house..and sweet lil Mother's day note. carne burrito that i couldnt finish..plus the OJ that i did finish. move out of one retarded ass phone to a semi retarded phone..still wiating for Verizon Pony Express to deliver new phone. look outside..slight overcast. first thing that comes to mind=benching. go here. this dude passed me. payed me no attention. after he was out of sight..went up into here wind came up out of nowhere. had to leave. dirt in my lipgloss.ugh. dirt all over.went to another spot..went through sprinklers. im sure it all turned to mud..but the mist felt good. had to clean shell toes a bit was parched-ended up drinking water instead. get home/shower/eat.(no pics) look at stuff i need to take care of...keep walking line up some movies..chill. nothing else to see-because I plan on doing nothing for the rest of the day. *baby update bonus* saw his cute big ole self last night. Blaise-
  10. Dear Cali. Hi-back. um..you're missing a few posts..but I wont sweat ya. missed ya. -Me.
  11. when I saw that^^^ name as the last poster..i just had to come in here and double check *cream puffs (just to be thread appropriate)
  12. them boobs look like mannequin boobs. rolf -something you love- doodle threw down ill get back to it..
  13. if you want someone out of your life for good-lend them money.
  14. Dear Calendar talk Even if there isnt 12 girls on here, which im sure there is..and im sure between all of the men, you have some how managed to get 'tits' from 12 (or much more) combined. Like !@#$% said, we do have alter egos..(i have a few) I call May, then a cold month-one almost nude and one semi clothed. I still think its a fun idea. Laughs, work has me tied up, if i go, itll be late. ill hit you up if im around. have fun if I dont. Sexy May.
  15. thia page is a varierty of nice. love it
  16. Dear Suki, It wouldnt be a good look for the site. zero sales. Dear souls. you laughed? ha haha funny guy. continue eye raping almighty. dear walk, i left you in the dust for this... it was worth it.
  17. Dear NBB, you make a valid point. Dear Almighty, boobs-the pizza shoppe- coming soon. Dear Girls. I know i sound like a broken record, buuuuut the Girls of 12 oz Calendar still sounds like fun. especially since !@#$% is still pushin the idea of making fun stuff. Laughs, I feel like cake all of a sudden. ill be around 1st friday, and Streats...if all goes as planned. Grd. you say the term innit. where im from, Northern Utah, the population consisted of a 50/50 ration of Caucasion/Ute indian. Utes would say unnit..and it had about the same meaning. the weather is lovely...im going for a walk. SM
  18. Dear RU. Woman without her man is nothing Punctuation can change a sentence soooo much. Woman! Without her, man is nothing. or Woman, without her man, is nothing. - jus sayin.
  19. Dear Fish when i get back..we will make plans. or we can keep planning for another year (plus) or ill treat ya to coffee. Dear Cali. you are missed. (especially your props that made me blush) Dear RU- either you're being a smartass by questioning !@#$% or you're 12 and really haven't a clue. I'm goin with option A. Dear Boats. Hope you're having fun. Im tellin ya, next time ill leave the keys for ya..and you can stay at my pad-when im gone as well. Dear whoever. Im the last person to say anything about how men/women work. or anytype of reltionship advice. TRUST. Dear Drive back to Vegas. don't be as much of cunt as you were on the way to Pheonix Dear new phone in very near future. Even though I have broken all of my phones in the past..I swear ill take good care of you. Dear 'friend' who takes my flix, and watermarks em w/your image, im not quite sure how to bring it up. time to create distance again. Dear almighty and souls. have a drink for me. rambling on, creepy SM
  20. Dear Laughs. washes and tunnels dont sound too bad...i def wont go there alone (too much) lets do this sometime soon Dear B&H, I dont know what it is..I cant only speak for myself (and all of my other personalities) I dont like a guy to be an asshole, but he definitely cannot be a softy. You have a backbone and a set of balls..you need to recognize them and use them. Its fun and all to be able to boss around a guy, take advantage of his feelings...but it gets old..really quick. I see you (not you personally) as weak. I need to be told to sit down and shut the fuck up every now and then, and have your own opinion and a voice to speak about it. dont agree w/ everything I say. Unfortunately, these days people are so fucking sensitive that 'speaking up for yourself' is equivelant to being an asshole. Its all about the chase- once you turn into that 'nice guy' some females may think of that as already having you right where they want you. Continue to be an ass, and some may think they still have to try..and keep trying until they have you where they want you. It's all a game. this all makes sense in my head..im not sure it translates the same. *******disclaimer*-i only speak for myself.************ not tryin to speak for my fellow ladies-or give away any of our secrets. haha Sex & Money XXXL
  21. dear Realism. hi. have a drink for me..if you can dear Souls, sounds like trouble. Dear laughs. whats goodie? work work work..which means money money money. no time for play, really...so I continue to get into trouble via 12oz. I'm pretty sure I asked for more nudes in another thread this morning. Would love to go bench..but this wind is fucking me up...all dizzizzy and shit. lookin like a drunk out walkin around. (i might blend in more,however) Pheonix this weekend. your turn- eS eM
  22. Dear grd. Im kind to everyone. -Bunny
  23. dear almighty, little? like little hands? Size Matters
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