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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. Dear dear__________ thread, just wanted to share how ridiculous my blood line is. I go to see my brother's fam today. he is very redneck-y/white trash-y/ and they look like white power type people. My fatass brother bought those topsy-turvy things. thought he had a plan..put hook thing in the ground..hang planter things from them. well, as soon as he hung the plants on it..the hook hella leaned to the side..almost coming out of the ground. so he was trying to find something to support the hook thing. He took two propane tanks and tied them together with some rope to hold them together at the base of the hook thing. sounds ridiculous, right? no, it didnt get ridiculous until (instead of cutting the rope) he used a lighter to burn it off. heres a pic.... *bonus redneck ass crack. ps. im drinking. I told almighty i was buzzed..it might be beyond that. might do some drunk posted. shameful/awesome sex thread..here I come.
  2. blumpkin fail. shitting with boxers on?
  3. 'If your the monster, then you have nothing left to fear' "Obsessed is a word the weak use to describe the dedicated" Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons, and you will find that it is to the soul what the water bath is to the body. Oliver Wendell Holmes Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies. Groucho Marx A smile confuses an approaching frown. ~Author Unknown
  4. Dear ..Rolls_Royce.., I already am. SuperMan. (with no penis)
  5. Dear whoever, Im whatever you want me to be ,too. SoMebody
  6. Dear NOES, do you have bail money put away? and does someone have access to it? hope you didnt take a loss on that. Dear Almighty, whats going on in May? Dear Moogle, that post made me lol irl. Dear State Of Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles, If downshifting is mandatory..why the fuck is it not in the handbook? even the instructor couldnt answer that. eat sweaty cock. Dear last night, I kinda forgot about you, unitl I woke up to these items around my house-- -white sheets covered in chocolate syrup piled on the floor. -a big ass knife on the counter. -every candle in my house, scattered in the living room -a stuffed animal that doesnt belong to me or my kid. -a roll of yellow 'caution' tape -duct tape. -empty bottle of Jack Daniels w/ sweet n sour drink mix. random ass night. eS eM eX eX eL.
  7. come hang with me..we can make stories for days.
  8. see, and IM the bad one for not reciprocating in anal ?(see purple people eater story) fuck that..now you see why. You can call me 'typical' ..' "backing" down on a deal' ..'bitch' or whatever..but the one thing you wont be calling me is 'the person on the recieving 'end' of one of these stories. and that whole siezure bit-scary. Ive blacked out/passed out a few times during sex-funny thing is the men it has happened with, get all big headed and think they fucked me so good, that i passed out. Then i remind them of my lil brain issue. get over yourself.
  9. Dear Edogggy. putting dogs down is the hardest thing ever!! I was told (after the fact) that if you have more than 1 dog, and 1 of them has to be put down, to bring the other along. The dog will sense the other dog has passed away and deals with it easier than wandering around the house looking for the other one who all of a sudden is gone. not that anything like will make it easier for you now, nor did you ask for anyones .02, but it did just remind me of this bit of advice. take care.
  10. That is the one. I didnt know it existed, so I wouldnt know if it moved. Was it near the Liberace Museum at the time? Did you go into that too? haha saw this in there, thoguht it was funny.
  11. true. i found a happy place. tpbm has little girly hands
  12. i dont mind..unless they are trying to talk shit..then they should talk shit with correct spelling tpbm is drunk texting
  13. Suki..pinball place looks fun. recently found one here in Vegas. didnt know one exisited til i had company form out of town.
  14. Dear Dear_________ thread that has left me speechless and on the emotional side, where oh where to begin. !@#$%, Laughs, Noes, Realism, Rolf, and all that read this and left awesome props. (time to get Sally-fied on ya..enter wall of text) I have been completely taken back (in a good way) with the fact that simple words of support & encouragement has made me remember I have an emotional side and this strange ability to have water come from my eyes (but if you tell anyone, I will find you and steal your dog) It's honestly more than I've recieved from my own blood. I have faith that this program will work out. It, in some odd sense, found its way into my life-I didn't go looking for it. Losing hearing and everything else I lost along with the brain tumor has become a part of life.I still have hearing on one side. And I'd give that up to be able to have the ability to form a complete smile again. Fundraising, shows, auctiuons are great ideas and I have learned that there are sincere people in the world (and on 12) that pull together. But I will say this..I would not feel right gathering money for something that I see as a luxury now. There are kids who need education, and food and clothes. People who need chemo, and treatments and tons of dogs/cats/animals that need help. These people would need that benefit much more than I would. I am going to push for the system to cover this one. It owes me. I have been screwed by the system much more than I have liked (and I like to screw) dear !@#$%, if I have any quesions or want to push further, I will take you up on that. I have a college bound kid, this is really my main concern at the moment. I have been saving for a new toy for myself, so my priorities might be all fucked up sounding to those who have offered and extended good hands. I have read the Gucci thread. I didnt know what to feel really. I just wish him some strength and hope he finds a way through it. Dear Rolf, as they mentioned. We treat everything with pills. The treat the side effects of those pills with pills. Large med companies make a lot of money as well as the Dr.s who perscribe them. Like realism said, it all starts from something with no intent to get high. After brain surgery, you can imagine the daily dosage I had acquired. Some for pain, mental health, sleep, dizziness, nauseousness. It took my 8 yrs to get off of all of them. This last February was a real son of a bitch when the percocets-anitvert-phenergan-zofran ran dry finally. Without insurance, them bitches get pricey-also I had enough pride left to know not to ask for a refill when it wasnt time. he would have easliy given me one, but the one time I ask him for ways to help with the fucking withdrawls, it was like I was speaking another language. 2 months now-cold turkey-ftw. dear Realism, I appreciate your non-sarcastic tone. dont let it happen too much though, I enjoy the laughs. dear Noes, get it together-also I meant what I said in the prop box. dear laughs, Susan G Koman race/marathon? either way,good luck. dear Almighty, foofy drinks? they were good, huh? dear !@#%$, 12 oz girls modelling your corsets (i cant stop thinking of how awesome this would be) sounds like 12 oz calander waiting to happpen. Much love to all of you, I will post updates. -V
  15. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! I dont have anymore pets...so i post other people's pets. Shekkie..we doggie sit him sometimes Smokey..Brother's dog (Eva creepin in the back) Pete..Brother's fish and random neighborhood ducks. sometimes they show up in large numbers, and dont care if you're trying to drive down the road. It's their road.
  16. i hope that is not your hand servin the scrub. im probably the only one tho.
  17. true. tpbm has had dreams (on seperate occasions) of multiple oontzers
  18. Dear !@#$%. That is whattha fuck is up!! that gesture means more than one could imagine. i do have a lil bit of faith ..in this program. if not..im yodellin. (not in ASL either).haha you're pretty fucking amazing. /faithinpeoplerestoredabitoner
  19. Dear supportive 12 oz peeps. thanks for your kind words. It will be strange to (psuedo) hear out of both sides. It's definitely aggrivating..especially having to remind people all the time. Eventually, I just stop trying and ignore. Thanks Noes..if it happens, it happens. I have ran out of "fight' for things like this. I'm still waiting to hear (no pun) back. hope you all are enjoying your Monday. luluvluvluv SM
  20. So upset I missed STREATS this last weekend. It was dope last month. nice grabs COSMO. t(0.o)>..always good stuff. slackin on my pies.photohunts...life
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