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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. Dear peeps of the Dear thread---thanks for the well wishes and good news props. These hearing aids are gonna take some getting used to. In some cases there is a slight delay, like music in the car, makes the singer sound like he is singing in a fan. but someone can whisper in my left ear (deaf side) and I can hear it clear as a sunny day. Deafinitely an awesome new feeling.I can walk with someone and we can walk on either side of eachother, and I can ride passenger in a car and not get so frustrated because I cant hear a damn thing the driver is saying. I also found out that Pandora gives me a lil short in the devices. I am very grateful. SM
  2. craving red meat all of a sudden.,.....thanks almight might
  3. (as promised) Dear Freinds of the oontz (whom i have been a stranger to, lately) Instead of coming on here, and crowding the Dear_____thread wih all of the bullshit i have endured this summer, i would rather come on here and share the good news. This program came through and I acquired my hearing aids today after just a few hours, my inner ear is a little tender, but I can definitely tell the difference and am able to pick up sounds from my deaf side. im sure it will only get better. I actually told someone 'shhhh' haha Ever so grateful, Sound Matters. Dear everyone again--hi hello, hope all is well. i try to peek in every now and then, but as mentioned, this summer has been a rough one. Love lOve loVe lovE V
  4. nice to see some contibuters...hopefully it moves some people to do this more. heres mine, late but didnt want to go back on my word. phone pics.. SMOKE (Im sure these two did it earlier) CONSTRUCTION (every fucking where in vegas, even in my place of business) FOOD (5 guys finally in Vegas) TRIANGLES BLACK AND WHITE (my niece made this...pure irony)
  5. Thanks Slappy for that list. Im gonna do this one. Keepin it short and sweet like me. ( sweet as salt) Whats good jbrsh? Noes-i see you too Bobby digital-whattup dewd t(0.o)> ( do u know how long it takes to type ur name on and iphone? Fawk) haha you know you gotta post this time. da1ly-lookin forward to you too. Grd-whattup girlie-missin my lil 12oz girl crew on here. Im comin around.
  6. I Like how it used to be. Someone posts list and due date. People participate. Person who made list then picks (from those who participated). So called 'winner' then chooses new list and date so on and so forth. I still like everyone's flicks....but this type of thread has come and gone before. I would like to see it keep going. Hi everyone.
  7. Dear Dear ________Thread, Sitting here readingthis in my weak state of mind lately almost brings a tear to my eye because i know we're a bunch of jackasses in here but when it comes down to it-you all can be so sincere. You're sincerity has pushed me through some things and hopefully for Steezy it will help even if its just a place to come to vent. I miss 12 oz -and often times Channel 0 shenans-i'll return,i'm sure. Steezy-head up sister. Stay strong. I am awful at offerning words at times like this but am very envious in a way that ive never felt a love like you have described towards your grandma with my grandma/mom/dad...relatives in general. With the obvious exception for my child. Recluse, Listen to RED. To anyone else, Happy missed/belated birthdays... I miss yas..... Good night... Good morning... And alladat good stuff Love lOve loVe lovE SM
  8. Wondering why the fuck its soooo hot outside at almost 3AM -over it
  9. Maybe he is looking at that horrible choice of shoes for that dress.???????
  10. Dear Freak- now the Dear_______ thread also knows it's your birthday, so happy born day dude! go do something fun and out of the norm for you. -SM
  11. Dear Sey- Red has a point, algebra has nothing to do with numbers really, its logic type shit. If im wrong, I dont mind someone correcting me, because I barely passed that shit either. I could always come up with the answer, but had the hardest time showing my work on how I got there. This is why I wasn't able to really help my kid with it, but she made it through pre-calc last year with a B, so something clicked. good luck-yiou deserve a trip. ps-does that make me to old for FB as well? S+M {X3 - L}
  12. ^that looks EXACTLY like my friends dad...
  13. ^half the kids in the smash or trash thread
  14. checking privacy settings on FB now
  15. false then true. the person below me would rather play Nintendo 64 over Wii
  16. I thought it was a known fact that I dont do kitchens.
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