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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. she's not doing the duck lip kissy face
  2. Dear Laughs. Listen to these two ^^ and especially grd. weddings are food/drinks and a reason to bring a date or girlfriend..get dressed up and enjoy. dear 12oz people . had a hearing test yesterday.. Seems the reason why I am having trouble hearing in the only ear I can hear out of..is because the ringing is so loud in my deaf side, it drowns out most sounds. Audiologist suggested these- http://www.phonak.com/us/b2c/en/products/hearing_instruments/cros/overview.html these joints are like $3000. there is no fucking way i can come out of pocket 3gs. He then gave me a number to a program that helps fund/sponser young deaf working people with most of the cost, if not all of it. I haven't had hearing in my left side for over a decade. I'm anxious at seeing what these can do. Dear program, please come through. hearing aids are pricey. wantin teh aids, SoundMatters
  3. false awesome is an adjective i wouldnt use for tupac tpbm likes painted toes on a girl
  4. true. tpbm likes black and white movies
  5. i leave for a few hours..8 pages later? best thing ive read in a while. forgot about Matt up until a few pages back.
  6. ^like sucking it in makes any difference
  7. false. ever felt a Vegas summer? tpbm knows what 120 degrees outside feels like
  8. false. work. tpbm has put a 9 volt battery on their tongue before
  9. false. but still fucking around online. tpbm likes to eat sweet and salty at the same time
  10. false.but i know who my current one is. tpbm is an asshole
  11. Dear Sey Luv. Its easy for him to do it now..it will continue to be just as easy. spend all of that excitement and anxiousness on someone where the feeling is mutual BUT it did remind me of this song.. -SM
  12. Dear fellow 12ozers, Have anyone of you had a dream about 12 oz? I had a dream (insert smartass MLK.jpeg here) There was this 12oz plane. we were all in it. flying all over the world, picking up members at each stop. like stopping in front of their house to get them. It was one of them bi-level planes, real fancy (cuz we all are). I believe Earl and !@#$% were pilots. (but on some Airplane! the movie level) I recall seeing bloodfart, casek, souls, almighty,noesky(why did you bring a basketball?),pizzy. some interaction more than others, some parts i will leave off the thread, a bunch of pansy fools who were scared to announce themselves, and some people i was avoiding. buuut..you had to pay to use the internet, and also pay to use the bathroom. hmm. it seemed like the longest fucking dream i have ever had toomuch12ozbeforebed. we have now reached your destination, it's been a pleasure flying with you all. eS eM
  13. false. not currently but has had 150 total tpbm wears braces
  14. false. tpbm wants to kick mass ass for mentioning that..because it is stuck in their head now
  15. true-ish.im gonna try tpbm needs to go play on a busy freeway
  16. damn, slappy..cant prop ya again. nice to see ya contribute. NLV bridge/fav spot?
  17. haha laughs. false doodle. but i am gonna school a few folks tmrw tpbm has been schooled recently
  18. false. just burning time tpbm likes plain m&ms
  19. true. tpbm has a phone that rings nonstop
  20. false. i can tpbm holds the door open for other people
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