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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. fuck that. duct tape over nips. and a drawn on g string. but keepin the tims on.
  2. dear !@#$%, i shut down the babymaker about 8 yrs ago..best decision ever. dear decy, we def should all pay a lil more attention to those dads who are active. good for you but yes, the social life takes a hit a bit, and if any fun were to be had, i had to give up sleep and have fun in the 'afterhours' maybe this is why I never used my cooking abilities to lure men in...i really didnt want them around that long. with that being said, ill still make you a sammich. Dear anyone. did i mention im going to PA for 2 weeks? haha im sooooo looking forward to it. esemexexel
  3. bitches be like. OH EM GEE. i want a lil purse sized elephant!
  4. we are having a grasshopper infestation here. its fucking disgusting.
  5. It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do. -leonardo De Vinci
  6. generally true. only smart people (dogs) can play dumb tpbm is over 6 ft tall
  7. Dear Rolf. hi! Dear Real. lay your woes on 12,its ok, we wont tell anyone. Dear Wind. your mom doesnt even blow this bad. calm the fawk down. for real, wind has shit stirred up so bad, for once we cannot see the luxor or the light from it. and im only a few miles away. Dear Baby Daddy, been about 9 yrs since you have seen your kid. several court appearances 12-13 yrs of dippin and dodging the system plenty of ignored emails and calls etc, etc, etc.... you dont understand why Slim is going to a University..and would not co-sign on a small loan "why dont she take dance at a community college?" is your justification. I invite you to visit the school as we move her out of her freshman year so you can understand why and you respond with. - "ya know ima try to fuck you several hundred times so walking may not be an option" (referring to my answer when he asked how i planned on getting around) what the fuck in the last 12-13 yrs have eluded you to think i would even entertain that idea? and because i put you on blast everywhere, and im sure you get a a few hatemails..i now see you have changed your website and one cannot simply lurk anymore. ( http://www.eugene-wright.com ) you're safe, we're done with court. i can no longer print shit of and present it to the court. I hope your basketball "career" gave you a life full of AIDS (see, Real, we lay it all out on here) and by we, i mean me and my multifaceted personalities. Dear Sey, as soon as i can find the address...you're gonna get it sent via props.
  8. just reserved a room for 2 weeks in Pittsburgh . its a room in someones house from airbnb.com anyone else use this? or am i walking into a great plot for a movie/book?
  9. true. from nail polish tho. tpbm wears sunglasses indoors
  10. false. but i am paying for one! tpbm gets more news from 12oz than the regular news
  11. false. would not get married. tpbm wears the shoes they just bought -out of the store they were purchased
  12. false. might hit that d hard as fuck later tho. ha just kidding im over that d. tpbm has no problem going out by themselves- to eat or have a drink or whatever
  13. great one for the top of this page. love them all
  14. I was gonnna post about my silly lil 2 week stay coming up in Pittsburgh..but damn, you guys are on some world travel type level. for what it worth, Ima be in pittsburgh for 2 weeks. april 20-may 4 . last time we did the drive, this time im just flying so i can spend time there. im sure ill find plenty to do...im wondering if there in any place/area i shoudl avoid. ha also thinking of photothread from last trip and adding this coming up one to it. i loved that city.
  15. Dear Seyer, sounds like we dated the same guy. im sure you and that black dress will do well. Dear Cali, you better join us. sounds like it would be too much fun. Dear "other team", im about to try out for you again. dear 'hover-ers', you are the reason we have to hover to begin with. the fluids that leave your body are supposed to go into the toilet. i know some of that splashed back up onto your back. stank ass bitches. -me
  16. not to mention it ends the female/male debate about who puts up/puts down seat. either way both people are responsible for putting seat up AND down * maybe it depends on type of fabric or how small bathroom is...but we ALWAYS put my daughters dance costumes/dresses and when needed, that item of clothing that was a lil wrinkly. in bathroom and run hot shower keeping door closed and all. worked every time.
  17. even the lil girl behind him got tired of diggin in her nose. lady to the right was tryin to flick him on her phone. musta been diggin for a bit gag
  18. Thats not dirt ha Its where her stockings gather. Always darker near the feet on top AND on bottom
  19. call me havin pancake butt syndrome, but this is fake . and by pancake, i mean thick fluffy and golden . drink b because it looks like it has more
  20. http://instagram.com/tunameltsmyheart
  21. false. eating said egs right now. over medium. tpbm is up way too fucking early for a saturday
  22. SMdoubleXL


    what a pussy i sounded like last night. i felt sick as fuck all night and a worse headache this morning. next time ill just pass. i talk to my dr all the time about the pain, but never the pill problem. he is good by trying to fix other factors that could be contributing to the headache. he knows i dont wanna be so dependent on meds. even suboxone. we'll figure it out. no alcohol here, except an occasional drink-and by occasional I mean on an average once a month. it gives me headache, so i dont like adding to the problem thanks guys for your words. on another note. awp?....i might pop up in your inbox at some random point, so just remember...you offered haha sayWORD? FUCK YES! that post made me hella smile for you. that goodness will keep happening. remember to accept that you deserve it. feed your ego-- how ya feelin now?
  23. your dinner sounds good. damn, i should really brush up on some cooking skills. I know how to, i just dont really like to do it. Thanks for clearing up GTAV. i dont play that, but dont mind sittin and watchin c4um Lee
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