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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. today. food. present myself walk to bus stop fucking typical las vegas construction here. and by typical i mean park equipment and put cones up and leave it for weeks/months before anythiing gets started Las Vegas Blvd because you never know when you 'll need a Halloween costume. (open 365) random wheelchair waiting curb side service no one here at work yet which allows me to lurk around with my camera and take selfies without people wondering whatthe fuck i was doing go no showed....allowed me time to play around with something new .................
  2. oh yeah..it doesnt end there. i forgot... a year later, my nieces boyfriend was pokin around CL or autotrader or somethin to buy a car. they were over quite late one night, said he was waiting for the seller to call so they can meet to look at the car. I mentioned that it was rather late to be meeting for this kind of business. (like 11pm) he was going to meet this guy at the gym. The car was a lincoln of some sort. i took a shot in the dark and asked if the guy's name was Matthew, he asked how I knew. haha i wouldnt tell him. so he bought the car within a few days. Upon inspection, we opened the trunk and there was the strangest assortment of goods that looked to be purchased at home depot. screws, duct tape, boards, pvc piping, rope, etc, etc...and a few pron dvds. My niece's boyfriend was like wtf? i laughed. haha i couldnt tell him what all that shit was for.
  3. did she laugh? haha did she get you a towel?
  4. yessssss! hahah i was hoping to tip the scale.
  5. haha i laugh at the amount of truth in Injury's post haha
  6. that was the second visit. then he invited me to join him to a (_______) seminar i forget what its called..but that motivational, PSI type of shit. it was cool, but cant believe people dump that kinda money into it. but hey..whatever works. he tried to hold my hand n shit. was odd. really odd to see this dungeon type dude gettin all motivated with his personal life. 3rd visit---he came over again..wanted to watch a movie. we watched some crazy cool warped shit. (not surprised)..but the whole cuddle thing was out of the picture for me. HE FUCKING BROUGHT HIS TOOTHBRUSH AND OTHER HYGIENE ITEMS OVER!!!! what in the fawwwk,. told him and insisted he could NOT stay the night. he left, also leaving his belongings. (typical girl move) kept calling to arrange a 'pick up' of these items. I told him i would leave them on the patio and they were gone that night.
  7. not too many can learn this lesson. toxic people are toxic. sever them completely out.
  8. hahahah Im dyin..LO fucking L this was one of the few other times we met up...
  9. just finished posting the rest of that one story..in that one thread. cussing at the fucking wind outside. listening to the kid's music and hearing them talk and laugh out by the pool .
  10. .......... .....I walk up and we greet. Just a simple hello. Blindfold went on. Slightly nervous, but there is no way im backing out now. He guides me upstairs. Gingerly telling me…’step…step…step….one more…’ I can tell we entered a different room, I can smell candles burning, instrumental music playing..but almost some trans type shit. I can tell the door closed behind us. I stand ever so still. He takes my bag out of my hand, mind you, every move he made was silent and very very gentle. (ironically). I feel him standing directly in front of me. His hands reach towards he back of my head and he runs his fingers down through my hair. His hands continue down..over my shoulder, around and slightly cupping my tits, back down my sides and firmly over my hips, straight down the legs to unbuckle my shoes and lay them to the side. He comes back up and unbuttons my pants to firmly pull them down. I reach for something to hold as I fear losnig balance and he guides my hand to his shoulder so he can pull each leg of my pants off….one at a time…….the panties came off too. I feel his hands grab the bottom of my top and in one smooth motion, pulls it over my head. No bra. No need for one. There I was, standing ass naked in a room ive never been in, in front of a man I just met. (blindfolded) He guides me, and for some reason im trusting it, to what I feel is the foot of the bed. The bed is pretty high, as the edge of it touches my ass. He lifts me slightly to sit on the edge of the bed…commands me to slide up a bit so I would be sitting in the middle of the bed. Whatever is under the sheets, begins vibrating..pulsing like some sort of massage/heat pad. I sense him standing at the side of the bed and feel his hand on my chest plate gently push-- wanting me to lay on my back. He takes my left hand, stretches it above my head and ties it to a post of the bed- one by one each limb is tied to the other posts. Same music, same scent in the air and I lie there spread eagle completely vulnerable, with no idea as to what is about to happen, but I fucking love it. Ha The things he did was all purely sense stimulation. He tickled my body with a leather horse tail type of whip, with a little slap here and there. He rolled some type of spikes across my torso. (imagine a pizza cutter ..but with spikes instead of a blade). Nipple clamps came into play at some point as well as a variety of paddles and vibrators. Warm lube/oil was dripped on me and eventually trickled in between my labia as he spread me wide open to play (tease, touch, smell, lick…etc) .There was plenty of touching, pinching, tickling, biting, nibbling and licking going on..but absolutely no kissing, that would have been weird. he even crawled up and hovered over me for some oral. Nothing too harsh or painful; as Im sure he was testing the waters. He gets off the bed and I hear a little rustling around soon to find out he was putting on a condom. (I am still tied to the bed. And of course I don’t know what to expect as far as size goes..and yes,it matters). after several minutes my legs get freed but I still have the bindings attached to my ankles. He has his way, any way the ha can with my arms still restrained. Eventually those came off and we went round after round. I believe we went through 5 condoms We finish doggy style. He gets up and off the bed and I just fall to my stomach and lay completely spent. He approached the side of the bed and untied my blindfold. I feel his presence behind me so he is not the first thing I see when I open my eyes yet I am very hesitant to even look at him. Id rather just leave and not look back. I roll over and we greet each other again. His room was just as imagined. Dark and lit with many candles, a huge tv mounted on the wall and a king size four post bed. I get up to use the bathroom and wipe away the mascara that had smeared a little under my eyes. I get dressed and say that I must be on my way. He walks me to the door, with a kiss on the cheek and a “thank you”, I head home…..on the phone like “oh my gawd, girl, you are never gonna believe what just happned……..’ It wasn’t THE best sex I have had but it was for damn sure the most memorable. This isn’t my only story about master Matthew, I think I have told a very short version of another time we met. Ill tell more, but this one was just epic.
  11. thanks guys. I tend to drag out a story, as telling stories is one of my favorite things to do. by reading this, im sure you can tell what my favorite thing to do is. As mentioned before, I kept a notebook full of my sexcapades...but more for story sake (with hope for publishing) but i eventually burned em. so apologies for getting 'wordy' with wall of text, but i wanted you to get a feel of what happened. part 2..........
  12. I dont get why people say that shit..especially after a disaster happens. 'thank the lord'..for what? thank the lord that plenty of other died ..in order for you to find your belongings? thank the lord that your home was one that wasnt hit...at the cost of the entire neighborhood? im pretty sure those people arent quite as grateful. .02
  13. im watching django, texting, writing dirty stories for another thread here, and oontzing., multitasking as well
  14. Fuck, this happened about 9 or so years ago. I am always that one to say that shit is a fad and it will pass, so I didn’t join Myspace until after it had blew up. And like anything else, I had to have a few different accounts. I could not intertwine real friends and ‘others’. By ‘others’ I meant Men. Boys. Whatever……the opposite sex that I am very fond of. Ive always generally been single, but I was never lonely. I always had my side things lined up. I guess I reached a peak of sexual boredom and learned through AOL chat rooms that we can become any character we wanted to. I never banged anyone from aol chaa……wait, maybe. I think. Whatever, it was sure fun creating a character and playin around. I cant even remember how Myspace really worked but I know I ended up lurkin profiles of dominatrix, S&M type people. Men and women. I find this profile of a man, who clearly was into the gym and bodybuilding and all. However, all of his pics he had a fucking leather/vinyl full face mask on. Like some gimp type shit. I think I messaged him with a message of intrigue. Usually I am the dominant one. So I was curious as to what it was like to play the submissive role. It was only a few messages before phone numbers were exchanged. I don’t think I even knew his name and I cant remember what his profile/master name was. We spoke twice. Straight to business. Talked of meeting up. The 3rd conversation, I had mentioned an idea that I thought would be extremely hot to execute. This idea had to be with someone I hadn’t met nor banged yet, and down with this absurd idea. I mentioned it to him, he gladly agreed. Through a myspace message we set the terms of this escapade to play it as safe as either one of us could play it. Here was the idea- Upon meeting a person of interest (him), for the FIRST TIME, he would leave a blindfold outside of his front door (mailbox or something) I would put it on then knock. Blindfold would come off upon his discretion. The rules= The address that was given was to be given to 3 of my friends one was a cop at that time. He knew that certain people had this address and was believed that one was dropping me off (I drove myself ) If I didn’t provide a phone call upon arrival and every hour up until leaving, he would be paid a visit. First and last name and phone numbers were given. No money exchanged. No photos or video. No other parties involved. Contraception was a must. This was strictly for fun. His name was Matthew. I had about a week or so to prepare myself for this. Mentally and physically. Remember, he is into fitness and bodybuilding. I-am not. I was a lil outta shape and have never been thin. Ever. But I feel I have other redeeming qualities. It was a matter of making sure I had the right clothes on. Toes done perfectly. Shaved everything. Hair and make up just right. I was gonna be blindfolded. So he would be able to inspect every inch of my body without me knowing, so everything had to be 100%. I pull up to his house. I don’t remember the last time I felt what I was feeling. Excitement, scared, anxious, nervous ….and the feeling of ‘man, this is gonna be a fucking awesome story to tell one day’ I get out of the car and see him standing outside his door. We changed the rules a bit and agreed to meet face to face first. He was about 5’8” and very bulky. Not that horrid body builder look, but you can tell he spends a lot of time in the gym. I had on black stilettos that buckled around the ankle. Skinny jeans a black knit sleeveless top that collared around my neck and left the back open. Very long straight black hair. And never inmy life did I have to play it so cool. He was watching every step I took. Btw-I was stone fucking sober. So was he........ wall of text, i know, but its a lot of typin and a lot of reading..ill continue later.
  15. dear almighty, i meant it when i said- you are going to be a great father. lucky kid, he is. sm
  16. Dear Almighty. thats one serious baby. I see a full beard by the age of 7. congratulations friend.
  17. dear 12oz, I know its been a few weeks since i've been on, seems you have handed out a few new yellow/orange names. which reminds me.... i never got my green name back...last years renewal. and a few messages later. love love. XXXL
  18. yes you should. onthat note i have a plethora of tales . but fuck i dont know how to make a long story short...so i will have to write it our one day sooon and paste it over here since i will get logged off before i can post. the truly epic days of aol chat and myspace.
  19. SMdoubleXL


    Catchin up on this thread. Ralphy, i love your lil updates..i hope it gives others some insight that it is possible. I loved 'Million little pieces' (regardless of what Oprah said) as well as its sequel 'My Friend Leonard' i got totally obsessed with james frey when it was released and was a frequent reader of his blog. -Anybody wanna peanut- use it. i gave it up for a reason...that number never changes. good luck man welcome Brickos...I will agree with everyone else- ya gotta do it for YOU. Shai--POZ---sayWHAT..RED..Sleazeside...everyone stay up. hardest shit to do.. but im pretty sure its worth it, and the self worth that is gained from it must be rewarding as ever.
  20. true. neck. ear also tpbm went down the block for the ice cream man
  21. dear ginger bread maaaaaaan. i wondered what was goodie with ya. ima try to pm ya. eSeM
  22. dear Cali, you me seyer bakersfield? just lunch? ha dear seyer, i got top eye liner done. its cool. i wouldnt have paid for it though. (i was a model for one of girls who had an apprentice) just do your homework. please. just remember, you get what you pay for. dear everyones doggehs, calm down please. dear doodle and Noes. congratulations seem to be in order here. dear pittsburgh. i fuking love you! i will be back in a few days. dear philly, see ya tomorrow. dear dude. this trip probably couldnt have come at a better time. makes it easier for both of us to move on. dear kid. im very proud of you. the world is going to gain something special as you move forward, and you have taught me many things about life. go get em girl. Love lOve loVe lovE the momma
  23. i swear one of my personalities is Nancy Drew. ive drawn a handful of conclusions as to what the story is behind this and have looked at this from every angle possible. i get a lil obsessive over crime scene shit.
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