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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. I don’t mind chattin but don’t hit my box with your big ass head. unless........
  2. Whalen you accidentally hit someone’s profile with intentions of hitting the thread then they hit your inbox ... “ Yo I SaW ThAt YoU pEePeD mY PrOfiLe” calm down trust me, you’ll know when it’s intentional
  3. Last Friday we had 2 confirmed cases 24-36 hours ago it went to 7 current cases-14 The count doubled in 24 hours. im am truly grateful that I am not in Vegas anymore. Im grateful I am not dependent on the salon business as an independent contractor right now. I would have folded before they locked it down. I’m grateful I caught my flight when I did even tho i was sketched tf out I’m grateful that my child (across the country) understands the weight this holds. She told me, last night-“do you know what this is gonna do to our economy?” She gets it. I’m grateful for that. im grateful I am still able to work (medical marijuana is considered an essential, even in PA) and grateful my work place follows strict protocols ANYWAY as far as sanitation goes and I only work with 3 other people and we still distance ourselves without taking it personal. I’m grateful I’m naturally a recluse and I know how to live minimally. It’s scary but I’m doing what I can. I’m grateful that I haven’t smoked since I got here (ironically) because my Munchies situation gets out of control. Grateful I have an outlet-the river and rails are a 10 min walk. I’m grateful for getting back on 12. No shit. I have made great connections with some positive folk and can have legit/sincere conversations and laughs. Love you all. :kiss face: the area I’m staying in is a quiet lil area, so quiet that you can’t notice the shift. All the markets around dedicate their first hour for senior/elderly shopping and people on the bus keep their distance.
  4. Spray paint the knee pads or the girl?
  5. @mr.yuck yes we are. It takes one person about 1hr 1/2 to do em all usually. We have a small scaffolding we erect and break down to fit around each side and to that third tier. It’s a pretty cool set up, even tho it sounds complicated. all of the irrigation is set up in our flowering rooms (which are empty) Because we were Stress testing our systems. and didn’t wanna stress test the room with the plants ya in it. (This is our first grow of this facility). But we did get more tubing and emitters in today so we might be connecting that soon in this veg room.
  6. I know that this is, though
  7. Earlier view. Watering third tier
  8. I think were gonna need a bigger scale. what happened to that thread?
  9. @CALIgula probably the suck a dick or something like that -post. i lold
  10. That’s one bitter ass chair “sit on me again muther fucker “
  11. Vegas always took care of its tourists more than their core man oh man. It’s a damn ghost town there *stolen pic
  12. thank you. What a refreshing post . Hoping Trouble is still fightin the good fight Talon is super handsome. pupdate: all the pups went to their new homes Buttons went to a rescue to get her hernia repaired. Sammy gets his balls chopped off next week. but I hear he is a still a Good boy
  13. @where I’ll order something. But you have to try it on
  14. Never. I loaded the app a few years ago but it seemed like garbage and a waste of money
  15. Now I fucking know why this shit is suggested from wish ive been like “but I don’t fish”
  16. @ndvhahah. I did not. BUUUUUT .....(check wish thread)
  17. I’m still not getting up there. these houses are so old I’d fuck around and catch asbestos lemme restock my ty-vek suits and maybe then I’ll get up there
  18. This fucking news caster (interviewing a man-I think a local judge-whose son has self quarantined) “are you ashamed of your son?” (for self quarantining) like wtf. ? This is that shit that Contributes to making people feeling ashamed to self quarantine. ftb
  19. If a user is not signed in and viewing, does it show them as a guest?
  20. Then they might be getting bored of the same view
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