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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. Ever know a girl who can stand at a urinal and use it correctly without that funnel?
  2. saw someone outside blowing bubbles. Wondered (What) if they had the rona
  3. Yes. @ndv people actually believe anything they see on the internet.
  4. Sticking by my word of miles=episodes today I had to skip downtown. It was dead. And heavy feeling but I also noticed a lot of kindness happening. don’t know what was going on here but It ain’t the rona we’ve had some massive rain the last week. Flooded the rivers a bit. the Point is a great place to just chill. It’s where the three rivers meet and has great views from anywhere you stand/sit this statue is cool. He moves positions occasionally *these are from a few days ago when the river was really flooded. Some befores and afters. also the magnolia tree I’ve been creepin on (over a period of two weeks)
  5. Is that Police Academy? @Drue_Down
  6. I wasn’t into hot dogs really ( but I’ll try anything once, twice to confirm) @Schnitzel there was a hot dog joint in Las Vegas who started out as a hot dog cart then opened brick and mortar called Chefinis. they had a random ass menu but I always opted for the one on the right. Don’t remember what it was called but it had a lot of stuff on including crumbled up lays chips I would be upset because one wasn’t enough but two of them was too much
  7. everyday I come across at least one solid person who is solid enough to balance out all the other wastes of humans out there. super grateful. what do you like on your hot dog? @Schnitzel
  8. super envious though. I haven’t found my first one even. Make sure that thing is hollow through and through
  9. @mr.yuck saw em on IG with no credit given but on this page cant you just make em? Hahaha.
  10. You ever say/hear a word so many times that you don’t even know if it’s a real word anymore? I just watched trump say China for three minutes and I’m not sure what today is anymore
  11. I’ve ever seen a bush crawl up to the belly button
  12. Thank you for checkin im well. I assume i had a mere cold..? Still not able to go to work because of the uncertainty of one of the houseguests. My insurance doesn’t go into effect until the 1st so we are playing it day by day and trying to determine if I can get tested after that or if I’m waiting it out. he is coughing so bad that even the other gentleman here (who tried to ease my concerns) asked him “you ok man? You’re still coughing a lot” he insists allergies still. Neither one of us come out of our room unless we know we can completely avoid any area Sir coughs a lot has been In (basically when he leaves the house) then I leave my room with a Clorox wipe in hand to handle anything I need to. he is still out shopping. Working and even fucking goin on dates. How do I know? Because he is that LOUD about everything. I shouldn’t know this much about the next person. He knocked on my door a few days ago and I didn’t respond. He proceeded to march up and down the stairs like a child throwing a tantrum and then sat in his door way about 4 ft from mine -door open-FaceTiming (even after telling him I can hear every word and that when it’s that close, its very disturbing) he is needing attention or something like an ass whoopin. however I think his reservation is up in the 31st. crosses fingers. End rant
  13. @Drue_Down I adopted the idea from you. thank you
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