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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. False. I have never had a cup of coffee. tpbm applies directly to the forehead
  2. I’ve never been. But I’m certain women can’t go inside Unless accompanied by a man But I bet they bring this shit back
  3. I don’t even have a car but I’m pretty sure I need this
  4. That glowing ballsac tho. you should just order that, anyway
  5. Was def worth the snap. But not getting the love it deserves
  6. the signs on the seat say something to the extent of -do not sit here in order to keep distance from passenger to driver. so this lady just stood next to him and talked the entire time since @whereis tired of my Devil’s Lettuce posts I’ll skip work pics. went to the river after work and saw at least 30 people. Some in small groups, some just fishing alone. But haven’t seen that many yet can’t wait to see this magnolia tree in full bloom and I have no idea what this is sidewalk art (and not pictured-man I man window giving a friendly wave as I snapped this) spring blooms are still blooming amongst the madness
  7. You sat and pondered about that for 5 hrs??!?
  8. Re: post up top this is the work Platform we use to water The corners are tight in there and this is super easy to break down and build up for each aisle it probably takes 3-4 min for that action once you have it down.
  9. False. I e learned in (most) if the horticulture field, people are very conscious of what they eat. Once you learn about plants you learn a lot about yourself too Tpbm would overlook the fact a girl hasnt shaved her legs (like never) in order to get some cut
  10. What did you call me?? false. It will grow a strawberry pineapple smoothie.
  11. @Schnitzel shit. If it’s an emergency in any case and gardening is all I had- mid plant damn near everything I could that could find reasonable accommodations in my home (light/temp). Make shift containers if I didn’t have enough pots and get to germinatin seeds ASAP. or even start cutting shit to propagate off of them. There are a good amount of vegetable that can be easily made from existing ones ex:carrots. Cut tops off. Rest carrot side in water. Watch foliage start growin out of top part then plant. It’s like resurrection of a carrot. It’s the only example I have off the top but I could gather some more for easy container gardening if the season isn’t in your favor.
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