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Everything posted by Dose-ink

  1. she kinda looks like something large punched her in the face. shes hot, dont get me wrong, but there's something wrong with her face.
  2. that last hand is almost decent, on a good day, if the stars align themselves properly. definitely a good start though man. looks pretty clean. OCEAN. your painting is getting clean man, looking good. but for christ skae can you please use a straight bar on your N? you've cleaned up every letter except the N and i think the N looks kinda awkward when the middle bar is bent and shit. other than that keep it up man.
  3. whats this about? The poster intrigues me.
  4. Re: Great Pictures~ more boats through ice.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear boris, props. doser. P.S, i will try to get a miami label on the next girl I score with.
  6. CDM makes absinthe look like your every day shot of tequilla.
  7. Dose-ink


    boxing day sale. these are money.
  8. man, all of y'all are thinking way to deep into this. quit dropping all these rappers that never made it mainstream, thats why kanye won, he recorded music that could be played on the radio, and at the same time faggots could think they were gangster. for him it was win win because everybody would buy his album.
  9. Pimp ass brown suitcase :lol:
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Airline, you are a fucking joke. it took me 36 hours to get from toronto to central europe because you guys are so unorganised. fuck you. tierdcrankyoner.
  11. better than I thought it would be. I love this movie.
  12. Bump that CRIMINL throwy, thats fresh man.
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear finals. im finally done. i hope i did ok. anxious oner. dear oontzers. now i can officially wish everybody happy holidays! feelingthecristmasspiritoner. dear marco, hope you havent forgotten about me man! hope all is good down south. doser.
  14. "Two percent of the people think; three percent of the people think they think; and ninety-five percent of the people would rather die than think." George Bernard Shaw
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Finals, I'm sick of you, Microeconomics, I know I failed you. Dear Christmas, I dont know whats wrong with me, but for some reason, I'm just not feeling the hype this year. Dear Vuze, You currently suck. I'd like you to download Stand By Me faster, as that movie is a classic that belongs in my collection.
  16. depends on the movies that these posters belong to.
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear airline, as if my return flight is booked for new years day at 9 am, looks like my new years eve party is gonna be ending around 8.55 if you catch my drift. but in all honesty, you guys are a joke for wanting a 500 dollar upcharge to fly home the second.
  18. granted, but you get the RROD. i wish crosby would die.
  19. granted, but when you step outside you get hit by a bus full of child molestors. I wish school was done for christmas.
  20. My mom is getting some silk pyjamas, an armani scarf. my sister is getting a coach wallet my dad is getting a new driver and a set of titleist golf balls.
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