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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by LUGR

  1. DGK ALL DAY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etB9bfboeDU&feature=fvw to bad RBK didn't work out.
  2. I remember going to that in the daytime as a wee lad.
  3. Nice, What part of the PI?
  4. LUGR


    I would go check this building out.
  5. [16:28] ralph: thats wat i heard [16:28] poopooengrsh: i heard cirnbbread went all nursing home recently [16:28] clownshoes: your boy in philly or from philly [16:28] kuuuumar: so an asian guy strated graff? [16:28] clownshoes: cornbread a black [16:28] ralph: kumar [16:29] clownshoes: he aint start shit either [16:29] ralph: he didnt start graff [16:29] poopooengrsh: hence corbread [16:29] kuuuumar: i knwo [16:29] clownshoes: I STARTED GRAFF [16:29] poopooengrsh: cornbread made rap [16:29] ralph: n u killed it 2
  6. Buy me some fake Jordan's.
  7. I once had a lifted bike, it was the only thing stolen from my house on Friday...Karma comes around full circle once again.
  8. Roc Raida from the ZOO YORK MIXTAPE 1997! RIP
  9. For 60 years, Luby's has forged a unique relationship with its customers. The emotional connection Luby's has with its diners is unlike any other restaurant company in America.
  10. Sixty years ago, Bob Luby had a dream.
  11. I never strictly use cursive or script. I always use a combination of the two. Certain cursive letters I really dislike writing. They should tone down the focus and continue teaching it.
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