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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. :Watch Trailer: :Watch Film: ______ Based on the famously missing chapter in Colin Clark's memoir The Prince, the Showgirl and Me, My Week With Marilyn reveals the enchanted week that the then-lowly production assistant spent with the most famous celebrity of the era during the production of the classic 1957 comedy romance The Prince and the Showgirl. The year was 1956. Colin Clark was an ambitious 23-year-old determined to make a name for himself in film. As summer gets underway, Clark manages to land a position as a production assistant on the film The Prince and the Showgirl, starring Marilyn Monroe (Michelle Williams) and Sir Laurence Olivier (Kenneth Branagh). Monroe had just gotten married to playwright Arthur Miller (Dougray Scott), and the newlyweds were on their honeymoon as production got underway. Later, when Miller leaves, young Clark seizes the opportunity to befriend the platinum blonde beauty, and give her a taste of everyday life in England -- far away from the bright lights of Hollywood and the suffocating pressures of fame. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi ______ A good movie
  2. haha for sure graffiti will always be apart of you no matter how hard you try to fight it. i almost got into and accident the other day driving down the freeway turning my head looking at some painted shit up high. No real money in it unless you get into graphic design or some shit but even then its hard as fuck. move on with life keep writing or don't. For most its just a hobby but a hobby that is kept dearest to our hearts ;P .. not every writer is a dead beat junkie stereotype btw :rolleyes: though i do know some fuckers that are like that
  3. Circus-Circus has a good buffet & theme park :dazed:
  4. they cater to everybody, the only color that matters here is green
  5. i would like to see totem & dytch66 do a production together
  6. shit yeah Totems boss as fuck, plus the rest of 3a too
  7. this^ how the hell can you compare the two. i understand by definition but not by the theory the dog gradually changed i will not deny that. dog fucks dog, fucks different dog ect. will gradually change and have the characteristics of the parent (i look like my mother father - my mothers fathers father ect.) How is that evolution? .. Also, when did the leap take place for dinosaurs to make a fucking u-turn and become an ENTIRELY! different species of animal? different DNA, instincts, intelligence, fucking wings! different absolutely everything! just because they look similar? I will not deny that the theory of evolution is cool as fuck! like science fiction movie but i just can't buy into it sorry. *Preparing for more negs and insults:dozey:
  8. nice, so anymore entries, should we vote and move on to the next word? im out of town and on my phone so cant post all the flicks together .. anywhoo. the guy above me gets my vote.
  9. Which one are you, CALIgula? The man fucking the fat woman or the fat woman getting fucked?
  10. this :idea: @vanfullofretards: No offence but maybe shes not the one with the problem though. Maybe you got to make it more interesting for her.. You might just want to fuck. but bitches loves romance n shit, nah mean ? do shit for her then she might want to fuck more often Edit: when they are going through chemical imbalances/mood swings bitchyness. do not engage it just makes shit worse no matter what it is you say it can not make things better. it is best to leave for a while till things cool off.. go fishing, hunting, beer, meth .. graffiti [unless you're the type to slap a bitch]
  11. A friend of mine asked me to design a tattoo for her a few years ago. i have never done it before... She never got it done Im glad she didn't haha because it looks like shit. I still think its kinda dope though What ya'll think? .... finished this a few minutes ago :krunk:
  12. "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others is immortal."—Albert Pike.
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