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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. oof!! That Verb and Diar is a really nice catch!!! & that BC & Suite is also nice
  2. Impressive design for this Ferrari Xezri Concept, the project by Turin IED graduate Samir Sadikhov
  3. i just finished watching the 1st season gona watch the second tomorrow. Im starting to notice little details that i missed the first time which is pretty cool. like the Tampico crib they had in the baby room. Just getting to know a more in depth the personality of all the characters @Pert, Kinkos.
  4. i know what you mean but the point still stands.. Also- i agree with your philosophy on health insurance. It really has turned into a circus. Let hospitals be hospitals and doctors be doctors. fuck all the paper work and all the nonsense that goes with it. I wish we can go back to bartering .
  5. post flicks if you got some.. i will be back for more.
  6. next word is Money cuz i every time i see monestar i read it as money star idk why haha Money due: 04-22 unless Mone wants a different word
  7. Do you know what is Immortal? Let me tell you the story of CALIgula
  8. McLovin

    IOU vs. L.A.

    did IOU forget his password? ^^^
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