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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. "When We Grow...This Is What We Can Do" is an educational documentary concerning the facts about cannabis. In this feature length documentary we explore everything there is, from industrial hemp to medicinal cannabis use, from the origins of cannabis prohibition to the legality of growing equipment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSKJrgGqx_E
  2. The TV movie "Purgatory" from 1999. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wmu2UpJg84 if you love westerns
  3. haha Our neighbor died and left us her cat. The name is Freckles she really is a gorgeous cat
  4. McLovin

    Mexico's Drug War

    if it were 49 headless Americans it would be all out warfare
  5. You're good. Much respect, the thread is yours. Do with it what you will.. im out.
  6. Its a miracle you remember anything you old fuck.... good for you. keep trolling, You're doing a good job http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVC2cszdTao
  7. Agreed. & acting like a bitch and being a bitch are separate also. You sir are both
  8. Who's acting more like a child? keep posting, I'm enjoying this
  9. wtf is a tween .. You pride yourself on your age. Being an old fart fucking faggot who cums in his sheets. How sad
  10. Apologized for negging me ..... can we get on with the thread? .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiIP_KDQmXs
  11. Wow Drue. . .. Maybe your the reason why ch0 has be sucking its own penix
  12. "BEAT the video above you" Post a video from any site that you believe to be better than the one posted above you Thought this one was cool ..
  13. That shit is probably burning the fuck outa her nipples, just saying ..
  14. “I’m sorry, what were you asking me? Oh, yes, that stupid plastic container I asked you to buy. You see, hydrofluoric acid won’t eat through plastic; it will however dissolve metal, rock, glass, ceramic. So there’s that.” —Walter White
  15. Vince Gilligan is cool as fuck, X-Files was the shit
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