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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. I don't have a strategy .. am i confusing you Soup? "Darwinism is a trivial idea that has been elevated to the status of the scientific theory that governs modern biology." - Dr. Michael Egnor, Professor of Neurosurgery and Pediatrics at State University of New York, Stony Brook just a few scientist who question evolution http://www.dissentfromdarwin.org/scientists/ I have noticed the parallels between evolution and creationism, If you question or disagree you are bound to be ridiculed. If you disagree with evolution you must not believe in science!?? Evolution is not science it is the act of science. That is like saying im an artist so i am art or i invented art or before me art did not exist. I appreciate the amount of research and study that goes into it and i encourage more. but i don't think it is fair to push this theory as fact. I understand the definition of theory, is there only one definition you choose to observe?
  2. It has seems that we are no longer discussing a disagreement with evolution.. We are now discussing a disagreement with "science" .. Science is a monolithically broad statement
  3. @fist True, but i am not trying to push faith or religious beliefs of any kind nor am i involved with any religious groups Evolution is just to big to fail. People have dedicated there lives to it and others were raised and taught their whole lives to believe it(i know the same can be said about religion). It is a huge money game also. Museums.. Colleges furthering and furthering evolutionary teachings. It is cult like in so many ways. Anything offering an explanation to why and how life came to be has got to be a cult no matter how many followers it has and continues to gain everyday. look very deep and beyond into the bigger picture! the matrix is real and you are living in it get out while you still can. I know it is to late for soup he has gone to deep lol .. Seriously though Evolution is a sham and so is religion but i give more credit to religion for lasting and actually having a purpose of instilling values .. [not all religion] .. and helping structuring society and keeping motherfuckers from breaking in through my windows at night :loopy:
  4. Damn those white teachers.. They are required to follow the schools curriculum. That does not mean they are racist and deliberately withholding knowledge from students. Though i do not condone the alleged behavior of the school kicking her out because of the essay. I think parents need to be more involved with their children academically and not leave everything up to the teachers, the school, the system.. If you ask your kid what they learned when they come home from school 9 times out of 10 they say nothing or i don't know. If parents would develop a closer relationship with their child's teachers and schools issues like this would be less likely to happen and students would be less malnourished intellectually
  5. i wonder what would come about afterward when occupy is over. So many brilliant people from so many places in the same place at the same time intermingling with each other and picking each others brains. What is the over all goal and what steps are being taken to reach those goals besides protesting?
  6. is there not a sufficient amount evidence that disproves evolution?
  7. there is no such thing as a stupid question.. only stupid answers. If someone chooses not to believe in evolution that doesn't make them stupid either
  8. Herek seems like a decent word i will give it a go
  9. great movie if you like dragons. watch it with your kids n family :) WATCH>http://www.putlocker.com/file/5A50162430641782# TRAILER> trailer kinda sucks but the movie is much better..
  10. How many of you cried when MJ died? I know i did. His death really shook the planet. The whole world felt it like a tun of bricks to the forehead He was not just the king of pop Rest in peace! THE KING OF MUSIC! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QpdomY-9As haha Cris Tucker is the shit too^
  12. I guess I was wrong when I thought there would be a favorable response to a cannabis thread.. my deepest apologies
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