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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. i don't think its all that great either. Maybe if there was some body parts and that teddy bear in the pool itd make more sense. & maybe if it were from a different angle or something. its just lacking... if it were just a flouting eyeball in the pool like a close up that would have been better lol idk Are their really that may trees in his neighborhood ? Also, Breaking Bad would be dope to watch in theaters.. just a thought.
  2. ^ I think this one is kind of a fail but i figured id post it anyway just for lolz
  3. McLovin

    Mexico's Drug War

    ^ holy fuck, Its like but in real life
  4. poor guy never knew what hit him.. but he had to die. it was the only way. I like when Walt said "I'll do it a thousand times over and over again" sometimes you got to go with the lesser evil 'him or us mentality' regardless of the repercussions
  5. dats some complex media u got there dawg
  6. I don't think it is stealing but I'm sure we can dance around this subject all day. If you put it up online its up for grabs. Just as long as you don't go selling copies..... hmm now theres and idea :)
  7. .. @ Husk & Pert, Print that shit out and go to Kinkos. B)
  8. @Realism sorta, do u? .. pm me.
  9. Michael Bay Announces Donatello Will Be Female http://www.comicbooked.com/michael-bay-announces-donatello-will-be-female/ lol
  10. this one would make a dope sticker^ idk about a tat though
  11. Interesting .. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303610504577417911775222058.html?mod=WSJ_hp_LEFTTopStories
  12. all found on pof.com, some are meh.. but defiantly not sick tats
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