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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. holy shit dude you really are an artist
  2. i dont think anyone would mind
  3. i would probly want to meet massgraff
  4. im liking that one, needs more color though
  5. Did you draw that on a piece of card board? sick
  6. I guess it is hard to tell the differences between a democrat and a republican these days edit.. I was on a different page and was replying to a comment Cunt made.. but seriously It seems to be hard to tell a difference nowa days, both want to control us. its either "More Laws+More Government" or "Morality+More Religion" That is why I am voting libertarian this year.. even if it doesn't count sense it is a democrat&republican world. They have a monopoly over the system
  7. haha ok I vote saze Who else wants to revive this thread?.. ya'll decide next word
  8. “Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.” ―Lord Byron
  9. this dude does a great pinkman impression
  10. The media thrives on fear. Negativity .. Bad shit happening. Lots of good shit happening but it is only the bullshit and drama that people feed off of Onion news gets it..
  11. Imagine drug dealers running through your home during a police chase, tossing their supply in your house, then having the DA attempt to seize your home. This really happened. Read more below. Also: Greatest Quote of all time, It might actually deserve it own thread but, hey. we all know what happens when McLovin makes a thread
  12. 12 dead. How sad.. Hey Drue hows bout me n u go catch a movie sometime? :lol:
  13. thanks husk.. you are such a pimp. logging in has been such a bitch. im on my phone right now. yeah, they left us hanging like a motherfucker at the end. skyler looks scared as fuck and is hella submisive. i think you are right about there being someone high up then gus. i mean that dude was making billions he could not of been the only one. but who evr this mystery person is- did not seem to have a presence in any of the past seasons
  14. I like where this is going.. Obama a Republican.. hmm.. nope not feeling it. I can almost not call him a democrat either
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