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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. not feeling it.. i think we should abort from that word .. how about "Abort" ? due: 3/13/12
  2. no need to get nasty.. yeah i been helping him out. this thread isn't particularly about me or my friend. i figured a relationship type thread was in order. like what to do when your girl is overly possessive where you cant go anywhere and she freaks and causes a scene in the parking lot thinking you were looking at another girl, know what im saying? .. keep trolling fuckers ... whats your favorite cereal?
  3. without capitalism would we not be speaking to each other right now on these computers? you should all be bowing down on your knees saying "thank you capitalism" three times fast while looking at yourself in the mirror .. <-- says my friend lol
  4. of course not.. nobody can
  5. im too lazy to look through this entire thread and research it myself.. but can anyone tell me what the soul purpose/purposes of occupy wall street is...
  6. are you kidding me? all i did was google fist666 and thats what popped up. I don't expect anything i say will ever insult you fist. my deepest apologies but, seriously i have the utmost respect for you as well as the rest of the 666 clan
  7. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [ Feel free to share your experiences or ask questions ] My friend is going through a tough divorce. Their relationship has been on the rocks for the past ten years. He found out she had been cheating on him. I hate to see my buddy so torn to pieces. I don't really know what to do or say. Obviously there are so many mixed emotions going on inside of him. He kind of wants her back or wants to get her back for what she has done. I'm also afraid he might take his own life.. With children im sure its going to be tough on all of them. I am no professional on this matter but i figured maybe i might get some applicable advice here.. Any helpful thoughts?
  8. The United States' first manned space mission to Mars is approaching its scheduled lift-off, but NASA finds itself T-minus one astronaut, after the flight team's accident-prone rocket scientist is grounded. When astronut Fred Z. Randall (Harland Williams), the ingenious-yet-bumbling designer of the ship's operating system, is chosen to join the mission, the rest of the flight crew is less than thrilled. The closest Fred has gotten to outer space was as a kid, when he pretended to orbit the earth by tumbling around in his mother's clothes dryer during the fluff cycle. READ MORE> great family movie to watch with your kids. It is very funny I highly recommend it
  9. Glock* 44 magnum biotch haha jk Fist saying "ATTACK!!"
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