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Fist 666

12oz Crew
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Everything posted by Fist 666

  1. was that directed at me?
  2. And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide And he really did commit suicide
  3. i wouldn't trust that man near young children.
  4. heh, you turned that around pretty well on me....
  5. ha, kid, you pulled train rank in a political coversation? really?
  6. when my ex was preparing for the lsats she had a bunch of logic and formal logic books, we went over them together. or atleast i tried to help her. i'm good at twisting words and semantics towards winning arguments, formal logic put me in my place rather firmly...
  7. i just finished chapter 1. i'd like to get the physical book, i hate reading from computer screens. next paycheck i'll budget for it. (tight around holidays, you know). i enjoyed it thus far, i don't necessarily like your writing style, but the story is compelling enough to override it.
  8. yeah dude, its totally about my cousin... kid, before you recommend reading to anyone, why don't you go ahead and learn the english language. its clear you don't grasp it, i'm fairly confident your grasp of the semantics is questionable at best. odds are you're missing 9/10ths of what you're reading. every international law in existance condones killing? really? this is interesting. moral and ethics justify murder of people who probably joined their military for college money? we're not all babykillers, son. also, i'm very glad your prized source of wisdom is wikipedia. keep it up, you make one hell of a bleeding heart. (i'm not going to give you a remotely serious response, not worth the time)
  9. some of us are closed minded, but still care... but i don't really comment in here w/ any frequency, i usually end up getting pissed off at the australian's view of the US army and don't have the patience to type arguments or explanations. i like reading stuff in here though...
  10. whoa... i was apparently more blitzed than i thought last night. i'm assuming all the ==== are attempts at backspacing... i win. i'd like to get out east sometime. never lived on that side of the country, so never really experienced it...
  11. yeah aibeee. if i ever bet to ustariailia we're drinking. 12 ozn sttylee!!! abybee or abarcardbar i mix you up? ewEW===ARE UOPI IN AUSTARAIL?
  12. wwwwwwwiooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooahsd
  13. ionly have monty to get drunk... not to give. wayaaway. that gamne sucks.
  14. Fist 666


    wall riding on some podlyd poorlyformed well excutued graf... GASYAGSAYGASYGAY.======/ fuck. i wan to see ll my 20 inch. nobody wants. it.
  15. 'mn on vodka. i'm just sayin. my boy prker does tha centry culb shit. he swear by its.
  16. Ride The Lightning Metallica Ride The Lightning 6:37 Metal
  17. centujnrhy clubb niggaaz. dsestroy!2
  18. aardaiam drunk, am not banned!@ inbivincible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111KOHMKOM foreve. stand down. YO!U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. hodslyu chisty i'kmdm=== filcedficledfucled==fucked up. vodfka iuds awesomsene. kfRfRfiFRFITSFISTErRFisedTer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!13e
  20. the future is morbidity; like martha stewart's juices this shit is PUTRID something like that.
  21. yeah. simple explanations. we're fucking doomed, though
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