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Everything posted by xrebelheartsx

  1. further proof that people in WV don't know how to read.
  2. i hate baltimore, and i hate the fact that i'd rather go to shows in baltimore than richmond. you know, since there's hardly ever shows in dc.
  3. i don't think there's any question that over the years, far more deaths have resulted from religion-based conflicts/persecution than from drugs. obviously i have no solid numbers to back that up, but think of how many wars/massacres/genocides have been as a result of religion.
  4. Re: Warrant > Brittny Fox with thier big Hair. Har har. No habla bandito
  5. there's one in CT, too... saw that shit off the highway on my way back from providence. sacrilicious.
  6. hell yeah, that's a great video. i like how right at the very end of the last clip, you can tell he ate shit. maybe should have cut that one a split second earlier. still awesome though, and free beer is fucking great.
  7. eastern promises looks amazing, i might try to go see it this weekend
  8. tabitha stevens. before: aaaaand after: 6 boob jobs 3 nose jobs 2 cheek implant surgeries 1 under-the-nose implant 1 chin implant 1 fat transfer from her right leg to her entire face. Frequent Botox treatments Frequent restalyne injections in her lips 1 nose implant Restalyne injections in smile lines Anal bleaching
  9. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo lovely hat.
  10. ahh ok, i was just going by what i heard on the news the other day. what a piss-poor excuse for a 500th post.
  11. 16 million scolville units... hottest hot sauce ever made, hottest possible. pure capsacin crystal. pure death. "After about 5 mintues of boiling, my soup was ready to go. First bite was not that hot, so I had the wife take a bite. She threatened divorce once she could speak again, so I tried it again. Then it was hot! So I took a few more bites and had to toss the rest of the pot away - it was too frickin’ hot!" blair's 16 million reserve
  12. i think beer makers should try this novel concept... stick to making just beer. not beer and clamato, not a beer/energy drink hybrid... just beer. how hard is that?
  13. they're not getting hate crime charges because one of the guys was in a relationship with the girl prior to this. during said relationship, he was arrested on domestic abuse charges. the thing that gets me, aside from how insane all of this is, is that the woman that killed the 84 year old woman prior to this only got 5 years in prison. 5 fucking years for killing someone. I hereby demand West Virginia change the name of their state so as to no longer continue to defile the good name of Virginia. Fucking hillbillys.
  14. haha that dirty old bastard... i'm gonna miss that dude.
  15. Jawbreaker - Fireman "Dreamed I was a fireman. I just smoked and watched you burn."
  16. hahahaha but man... there's 3 other roads to take. not hating on titty fucking, just saying.
  17. DJ Vadim Feat. Motion Man : The Terrorist try looking in the video description ;)
  18. dude my sidekick was out of comission for a few days... i almost felt lost. camo shorts and hoodies, all day every day. you know how we do.
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