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Lesbian Fisting

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Everything posted by Lesbian Fisting

  1. Someone has to mow the grass. This is about an hour away from me. They have a really good meat market and thats all I know about the place.
  2. Close Pyle Lawst. Bump the reefer traffic lately.
  3. I think Im obligated to go to confession tomorrow. HOW THE FUCK DID THE PANTHERS BEAT THE CARDS?
  4. Today: Carve pumpkins with the Ms. and go to some free BBQ at the old school. Tomorrow: College football, work, party, barf, sex. Sunday: Regret drinking, watch NFL, work, paint.
  5. I just signed up for classes. Been a year since I was there. GO TEAM
  6. Stolen from Virginia metal heads.
  7. The Giants have a win against the Panthers. Jake needs to see the bench, been saying it for 2 solid seasons now. Fox wont bench him. Maybe if he throws another six interceptions against the Cards this week. Maybe. Next couple of years dont look promising either with a hopeful rebuilding stage coming. We have two of the strongest backs in the league and we call 44 pass plays, with a QB with a completion percentage to the other team high than to his own, against a strong pass defense. And I cant count how many times I hear "False start. 79. Offense." Fuck Otah. Nail the fucking basics. I will suck Bill Cowher's dick to get him to come to this team. And I dont see the Saints having a challenge until December when they go to Atlanta. Playing the Falcons at home should be a good game, but Brees is going to show Matt Ryan how to throw. Then Carolina, Tampa Bay and Washington are wins unless I go to confession and God's mercy towards me is a Panther win. I dont think New England will be much of a problem either. Giants going to Philly will be a good ass game. I hope the Panthers get blacked out and thats the game I see. Chargers will be a win. Atlanta will be a good game to watch, but hopefully in an ironic twist of fate Matt Ryan gets attacked by a pitbull before the game. Philly at home and then the Vikings are the only challenges I see for them. Glad to see Mario Manningham being that nigga that he was at Michigan and making safeties look foolish. I dont pay much attention to the AFC besides the Steelers and Colts. And fuck the Texans. Fuck Gary Kubiak. Fuck him fuck him fuck him.
  8. You spent all that effort arguing about petty shit when you could have atleast talked her into a hand job.
  9. I saw a guy get stabbed in the neck multiple times.
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