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Lesbian Fisting

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Everything posted by Lesbian Fisting

  1. 12 turnover, JUST HIM, in last 2 starts. This is rewarded with a contract extension and the start in Atlanta on sunday.
  2. Because of 12oz... I have instant access to a huge collection of graffiti flicks from all over the world. Connected with people all over the world in a weird way. Helped Pffffffft get laid (hopefully, better call that broad). Day in Pies thread, I get to live vicariously through people all over the world. Endless entertainment in Ch. 0. Plus there are really solid threads all over. KaBar in trainspotting, untitled section etc.
  3. One of the best games in the history of the rivalry! 38-34 Michigan over Notre Dame. Scoring the winning TD with :11 left!
  4. Went on a road trip to Asheville this weekend. It was mostly dirty dorm room sex and graffiti, but these are the pics in between. Went to work, slacked the fuck off and bounced. Hit the road. 80 the whole way, no cops. Good day. 2 and a half hours laters Im coming in over the mountain to downtown Asheville. Got off the freeway and the first thing I see is an Oil throw. The dude was everywhere. RIP to a true king. The next day I hit up Empire Tattoo to see a friend. He talked me into getting some work. Saw a dude dressed as a nun on a tall bike. Sace tribute by Topr LORDS PCF. "I miss my friend." RIP Dash Snow. Took this classy lady out for yumz. Yellow curry chicken with potatos and carrots. She got a noodle bowl with a bunch of shit in it. It looked gross and smelled like hot trash. Every Friday all the hippies gather in the park and have a drum circle. It smelled like hamburger helper and patchouli. This is why terrorist hate America. Fucking white people. Took a ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Hiked threw Middle Earth. To have a beer and make out session like I was in middle school at this spot. Good relaxing weekend and a well needed vacation.
  5. Nice flicks. FUCK BRAD SHELTON.
  6. Junk in the trunk. Hobo Yors and Amen
  7. Those Knowe and Bars are tight. Bump Bushido Sushi and 82 Queen.
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