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Lesbian Fisting

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Everything posted by Lesbian Fisting

  1. Bump the page as a whole. Big ups catchin tags in Charlotte. Respek!
  2. People locked up in my county. Have fun. http://www.guilfordcountysheriff.com/component/option,com_wrapper/Itemid,264/?phpMyAdmin=E9E%2ChCtSjQ4J0Dx82V29wWaFtv1
  3. All my pops drinks is High Life so I always steal that when I leave his house.
  4. Yeah like the State legal wall.
  5. I think you have bigger things to worry about than what some internet persona have to say on a message board. This dude is probably going to come at you with the fury. If I was wild enough to pull a gun over 20 bucks in a drug deal, imagine what this sucker is gonna do after you called the cops AND his parents. Dude lost his heater and is probably grounded with no dessert for 3 weeks. He is going to unleash the fury on you. And Im not one to tell people what to do, but after following your child custody thread, I dont think dealing out of the house is a good choice. What if your kid was present at the time? What if word gets around your dealing and someone wants to rob your and your kid is there. What if you get popped because the snitch karma come around to you. Youll catch a child endangerment charge. The courts arent going to give custody to a known dealer either. Smart up my dude.
  6. Kitchen work. Prep chef for fine dining in the AM, toss pies in the PM/weekends.
  7. Second that shit. Fuck these weekend getaways, I need to step my game up and jet to a fucking island.
  8. Caught that 2nd Gyser back in spring. Seis Ruiner.
  9. Dear Anyone not in America, Who has a couch/futon I can sleep on? Love my fat ass.
  10. Mr Coe is my dude. He has the shine and you can buy beer buy the can.
  11. My weekend. Went to Charlotte. Kolen, Jerx, Desism, Sicr wall. Potluck Rode my bike around. Played here alllllllll day.
  12. Yes, pickled fingers. A delicacy in Catawba county.
  13. Bump Dilt. King of the Carolinas.
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