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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I'm mad, jibrsh never comes through to shoot, or with free Mets tickets.
  2. Because it's not your fucking website to decide what's in it. There are better websites to jerk off to, or share spank banks with your boys and jerk to the same gif on some semi homo shit.
  3. Whatevers clever, that post just came off pretentious. Saying film has more artistic value is incorrect in my opinion. I think the skill of the photographer matters so much more than the equipment that film/digital insignificant.
  4. Film photography doesn't hone any more "artistic value" than digital, it's personal preference. Digital has pretty much caught up to 35mm as far as image quality, and in some areas passed it. Some would argue medium format digital has also caught up or passed medium format film in image quality. That comment is similar to the way artists dismissed photographers in the early days saying a photo doesn't have any artistic value. Film or digital, you're completely relying on technology and you're environment to create the image you're capturing. If you want to wave your cock around like you're better than everyone else try hand grinding your pigments, stretching a canvas that you wove yourself, on a loom you hand built, over wood from a tree you ripped down bare handed, then paint something on the canvas with brushes you made yourself without even looking at the subject. Or you could just work on creating better images no matter the medium and put your tiny cock away. Film is used as a turd polish just like HDR and over saturation/editing. I can't stand "expired film" shots that are mad boring to begin with but use the expired film effect to hipster spice it up. It's no worse than making an HDR of a boring ass shot, both are turd polish or crutches at least 80% of the time I see them.
  5. Pure gold: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fStyBZfPNE&NR=1
  6. I'd pick the second one, but with the warmer tones like the first.
  7. Really fresh shots, you're on some serious recognisable style with you shots^^^ A couple fly kicks:
  8. Holy Yellow Fin, I like to eat them raw and fresh.
  9. I disagree, I think the artifacts photo is exposed properly for those conditions. I think the shots you posted are underexposed for my taste. I tend to underexpose some shots on purpose to prevent blowout but always edit them to include a wide histogram. Mid tones and shadows are good and all but lack of highlights ruins the contrast and makes shots look muddy.
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD On porn websites mostly.
  11. Yea, I'm not against it at all, I just see that and think to myself "fail". Having a huge photo like that will get you publicity and people dropping links to it. The problem is that the photo itself sucks so you'd be remembered as the guy who took a huge shitty photo. If he took a good giga pix photo it would get his name out there for something that people with taste would like. The only thing impressive is the size, which anyone with money could do.
  12. ^^I think that Dubai photo sucks, bad timing and all that rebar in the foreground. If I went through that much trouble to put together a 45 gigapix photo I'd shoot it at a better time when the lighting didn't suck. Not to mention at a lower ISO so it isn't super noisy and at least edit out the rebar or shoot it right.
  13. Yo, Marco going baller with the lenses, Mayor puttin in mad work, shots looking good. <---Jealous. *oh shit, is that a new camera body Marco?
  14. Hahaha^^^ Burning some God's gift, shoes off, socks off, feet in the window, enjoying the dip below 90 degrees and 110% humidity, feels like it's in the 60's.
  15. The exposure was what did it for me, the amount of highlights on her face could have gone up but the amount of black in the photo was just right. I guess in an academic sense it was under, but in a more artistic sense that exposure gives enough info to feel the expression without looking controlled. I really like that relaxed looking down expression lately with a lot of eyelid facing almost out of frame. Been trying to find/take a shot like that myself and have ideas for it but I've been slacking/busy lately.
  16. If you're rolling pricey 2hit and blazed shit it keeps you from wasting so much plus it burns smoother. If all you have is papers and no glass the papers already kind of ruin the taste anyway.
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