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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Didn't find a good copy of Brainwash, downloading from iTune$ now. Hope it's worth it.
  2. It's not so much the eye gook, it's the fact that it looks so unhappy/shook/scared. Why kick a dog? Especially your own dog. it doesn't make any sense to me. If you were smart you'd could clean him up and possibly pull females with it. If he was well taken care of you could train him to fetch females with his lush pettable coat of irresistible win. Or just hook him up nice and take pride in the fact you made it happy and your a good human. I can't understand how people can't even be loyal to their dogs. Treat the little guy right man.
  3. I'm not even an animal lover like that but it's mad suspect that your dog is cowering in fear. My type of negs you couldn't even cure with Mydol.
  4. Instead of kicking your dog you should clean up them eye booger stains and give it a bath.
  5. People generally have shit taste, I design websites for 3 Hospitals and these department head douches always try to turn the site into a boring ass online brochure. Try to engage them asking them why they chose what they chose and then use that to point out what they might be overlooking. The problem is they know their customers/clients way better than you, but you understand your field way better than them. They don't have any professional experience or knowledge in these matters and don't want to think too hard about it. They may ask their nephew who sucks but owns a camera and go with their opinion on shit. If you can engage them the right way under the right circumstances you may be able to show them how studying your specific field for years could benefit them more and why they aren't getting their moneys worth. People skills are huge part of my skill set now having to deal with PHD's who "know best" and then helping them "know better".
  6. There was once a bridge that led into a tunnel but then it was no more, the end.
  7. That fish head shot is cool, got that fish head song by the dead milkmen in my head now.
  8. I just got an adapter to hook up my big monitor to my little macbook, great for photo editing. Also noticed the gigantic photo's people post in here are still mad annoying even if they do fit on my monitor now. Keep it classy fellas, look how people who've been posting in here for a while do.
  9. You and Larz should do a photo battle of your wimminz in here. Also, them twins are alright but she got a busted ass smile.
  10. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?!
  11. If you don't have a full frame or 35mm film body the 1.4 is overkill IMO. It's almost 4 times as much more loot which could be spent on other equipment. The cost is higher because the corners of the shot are better quality on full frame. If your sensor/film is smaller than full frame it's pretty much useless besides the .4
  12. Watch it till the end... GTFO of here, that music sucked harder than the slore did to get that shitty video made.
  13. Mercer


    Your blog sucks dog dicks.
  14. Agreed, I like the second one in the first set the most.
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