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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. That got me stoked just scrolling down through those photos, good shit for sure.
  2. Stan is still on the internetz and killing it actually. He started his own site with some of his Montreal homies and dudes photo's are getting ridiculous: http://mook-life.com
  3. I'm drinking Chupas' left over Tecates right now in my living room, Looking mad weird cause I'm decked out in some semi ballin new corporate attire. Niggras ain't got shit on my dress shirt game son I'll see if I got anything worth posting.
  4. Bump Bumps in Queens Kitchens, If I died, I couldn't choose a better location. Hahah
  5. I know, that gif could have been great. set the background to #2c2c2c
  6. Bump the infamous Goat Mask, Bump Woodside Station, Bump ink from 2008, Bump the Exploited, Free motherfucking Hert!! and Fuck Soho Faux skaters with spankin new clean clothes and not a scratch on the board. Good pies.
  7. Film grain doesn't bother me at all for some reason, especially when it's black and white. I only liked the first shot though.
  8. True, if you get a Nikon body with a focus motor, lenses from the 60's will work flawlessly. Nikons had the same F-Bayonet style lens system since 1965 I think. Since most lenses are made for 35mm you can get some good used glass. Also, from my experience the D700 is the shit, hands down the best purchase I've made. If you're planning on getting into studio work though I'd recommend sticking with cannon. Much easier to make a living at this doing studio work. It seems to me like the pro's at field work are shifting towards or already using Nikon's now. I'm pretty sure because of the way they capture natural light and their speed/ISO performance per dollar. The studio pro's still use cannon mostly unless it's Mamiya or Hasselblad, because cannon delivers higher MP's per dollar, plus the controlled lighting of studio shooting makes up for any loss in speed.
  9. Thanks for that link, wanted to check out some more of his videos. As for the entry level discussion, I'd say the most slept on camera's are the Lumix 4/3rds like the G1 and G2. They don't look legit because they're so compact since there is no mirror, but the shots speak for themselves. In fact, I'd say the quality is better than most entry level SLR's and also great ISO performance. A good friend of mine copped, he's been getting super sick photo's with it lately, content and quality Kinda wish dude posted in here so you could see what I'm talking about but I guess he's got his own shit going.
  10. Yo Menino, can you post a link to that Obama stills video that photographer shot.
  11. Just now noticed how dope this shot is, damn.
  12. You should probably find out what it's like to have a job and get pussy. Then you won't be mad this site doesn't have an animated spank bank for your looser ass.
  13. Yea, I agree that upgrades are probably only worthwhile on a 3 year rotation at best. I think the majority of the hype surrounding the entry level SLR's is marketing. Also, dropping a little extra for a body with a focus motor can save money since non auto lenses cost less plus it opens up a lot of lens choices. The one thing that I do think makes an upgrade worth while is the video capabilities on newer SLR's especially for journalism. I don't think it has a downside as far as the photo's quality goes and opens up new options for a photographer to explore. Mayor Mean beans linked me to a pretty dope video a photographer made of Obama using footage shot "like a photographer".
  14. The only way it would blend into the background properly is if it were made a transparent png file. Flickr makes all it's images .jpg's I think so it's probably going to look a little fucked in the slide show or anything else without a white background.
  15. Yea, I liked that shot myself, the corners kinda throw it off a little but not enough to kill it. Also, MOAR cheerleader shots Sir Houston.
  16. Dude talks all tough but he damn sure wouldn't want to go to the clink for 1-3 on a fucking misdemeanor charge. Only an idiot would like to get locked up or think it's fucking cool that his homey is "keepin it real bro". I wouldn't want the shit to be legal and any herb who felt like it would paint, but 1-3 in a commonwealth state over graffiti is bullshit. The fact is graffiti don't hurt shit and really, it damages nothing, shit might even make a train rust slower with another coat of paint on it. Your average Joe don't get it why anyone would do something for free and would rather have a billboard promoting alcohol facing their kids school. While motherfuckers do worse shit get and just probation because the system is too full, politicians get votes for bullshit like this looking like their "tough on crime". The fact is that bed that's being wasted keeping someone locked up to get votes is retarded. It could have been used to keep a kiddie fucker or rich fuck that conned grandma out of her retirement locked up. You have every right to be pissed about this and should be when bullshit like this goes down, the system is fucked and this shows it. Respect to anyone still keeping it going today, this shit will never die and proof like this shows how fucked the system is and only makes more of us.
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