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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I've heard if you're already skilled at something and get into an academic program for it you tend to get way more out of it than someone with no skills/talent in the same program trying to learn. More as far as connections and opportunities which is way more important IMO than just getting that piece of paper. I really dig your shots and the perspective you share on Chicago aside from the dope aesthetic value. Not that you're asking but I'd transfer in if I were you, not so much for the classes and learning, more or less for the opportunities it might open up as far as grants, gigs, and stuff like that.
  2. Anyone want to hit up another huge word and give me a couple days (sketch skills = mad rusty) "Determination" battle anyone?
  3. Skum, both are dope but fitting it in one line and the overall flow of skums letters are better. I stil think overall the most important thing on paper or wall is letterform, not the only thing that matters but still. Decy's K's threw me off but his U is pretty dope and worth me biting next time. :lol:
  4. Don't sleep on the D300, bad ass camera for sure and about as good as it gets without having a full frame sensor. I'm about to take my 5th shower today, muggy as a motherfucker here, also, almost forgot fathers day. My mom kept calling and didn't leave a message so I picked up "you better call your father!! *click* " She's so much cooler than I give her credit for.
  5. megapixels have nothing to do with sharpness or image quality unless you're printing huge posters/billboards or cropping the image down in post. In fact, the more megapixels a camera has packed into a sensors actual surface area hurt the images overall quality at higher ISO settings. The problem you might have is that digital cameras improve vastly every year as new technology become affordable, so a 5 year old SLR of even the highest quality is generally obsolete when compared with a newer one. Sharpness is all in the focus, a camera with good autofocus and a good lens (kit lenses usually suck) will take sharp images. I researched cameras when I was looking last year and went with a D700, has only 12.1 mp but it's on a full frame sensor. Beats the hell out of the 21 mp full frame sensor I was considering which has tons of noise at ISO 800, I can blast away at ISO 1600 or 3200 and still get a crisp shot. It depends on what you want to focus on shooting, I liked natural light at night, if I was into studio or flash photography I would have copped more megapixels.
  6. The only one I really liked was the 4th one, shit photo but it took me 6 tries to line up the external flash to light up the sign so it would reflect properly. Also the girl in the first one saw me pointing the camera and tried to diss me by looking away but no matter what angle them legs are pure gold, hahaha, I know you dig the candid looking ones better. I'm really digging that basement studio panoramic, really interesting subject to me with all the cans and doesn't look edited other than the stitch. The shot feels kind of quiet and solitary, like you just snuck in a window and are about to rummage through those cans and look for discontinued and rare colors.
  7. Mercer


    Digging these ones for sure though.
  8. Not even the same hand, and who's burn just fades with no crust over like that.
  9. Wow, way to fuck up an entire page from the jump with a giant bromance meme.
  10. Didn't notice this one, you can see my point and shoots fucked up screen from when I dropped it in a puddle. That black dot on the screen is water inside it, if I press down hard enough the water bubble will move over but I can't get rid of it. Camera still works good though.
  11. ^^^ During the parade there's even more than that. FACT: White and Black people who can't even speak Spanish pretend to be Puerto Ricans.
  12. It's nearly impossable to spell impossible.
  13. Hahaha, I was getting clowned on by my co workers for the giant "you're gonna get hurt" text on the back. Some Tyrone Biggums looking crack head even rolled up on us at lunch and was saying "that's a threat" Regardless, Enemy Mind = The Truth, I'll never stop reppin for the homies, wonk saggin.
  14. This morning 11:11 the 2010 annual Puerto Rican day Parade getting ready to start. First 45 minutes of the parade was the corrupt part, only Cops and politicians running for office. Then Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony rolled through, crowd went crazy. Bloomberg rocking the PR flag. Couldn't resist. The End.
  15. Yesterday: 4:16 5:57 5:59 7:18 7:24 9:39 9:49 9:56 10:02 10:12 10:38 11:11 11:14
  17. My other lenses start at $600 and go up from there, but the 1.8 is the champ and my main workhorse. The 50mm 1.8 is a must have for sure. I will say this though, on a full frame sensor the corners aren't that nice.
  18. Good old Pittsburgh Piggies, I heard it's not like the good old days and they arrest people on bullshit charges way more now. Nice shots though, still the best looking city IMO.
  19. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Prevartk?
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