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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I agree that the hand wrapping edit was poor taste and to me it's pure turd polish especially considering faking the film look. I'm not sure if it's my low brow/non academic taste but the hand wrapping one, bland photo even edited IMO. The type of edit before that (clouds) I've done myself, especially when I used to have a point and shoot and used full auto. I try to do everything in camera now, usually on aperture control for the most part tweaking the white balance and ISO as I'm shooting. I can't lie though, I usually fine tune 70 -80% of my shots in camera raw, most get something like fill light/blacks or a temp. adjustment. I never really change the dimensions through cropping but occasionally cut paste and transform (stretch) the image but keep the original dimensions.
  2. Try using photobucket, the shit is mad easy for posting photo's compared to flickr.
  3. Mercer


    That last one was stretching it, saying they used to bite is a true story. Props for the history of Jordan biting post though, mad informative:lol:
  4. Mercer


    I like their low top kicks in that style, probably won't cop though unless I can try them on first and they're not hyped up priced.
  5. Mercer


  6. Look at me I'm exciting as fuck for 5 minutes out of a month or two bro's!!!!
  7. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Broken Reflection Happy /NH Filth Before After Repetition Rust Music Refurbished (face buffed, someone tried to fix it) Sports (Matt Hoffman) Motorized Drips (not really drips, just weird light making it look like blue paint dripping /not photoshopped at all) Irony (Somebody gonna panic later, /Nosetup Found like that) Underground
  8. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Easy but I couldn't remember it at all for some reason. Had to write it down and check it off while shooting.
  9. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** I have no idea which list that was for, or what picture represents what list item, but awesome pics bro. :lol:
  10. Yea, it's all good, you post good stuff in here. Honestly, I did the same thing at first until someone mentioned it to me. (Not edited one bit, strange lighting^^)
  11. I just thought It might help to not ask politely, since that doesn't seem to work, Umad?
  12. The only safe water to drink involves me taking a shit upstream.
  13. could have fit everything in one post, though
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