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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. The view up their sucks, can't see shit. /roofhere madhomo
  2. Lets trade up, my shits on a friends rooftop at around 900 something Pacific.:lol: NYC is lacking in BBQ spots, the money and females here make up for it though. Even the balconies are off limits because of fire codes.
  3. That's what I'm talking about, I need a BBQ spot close by, tired of rolling down to Brooklyn. This beer and a bottle of goose will do for now though.
  4. Mercer


    If you're going to use a washer I'd go real light on the bleach and just us regular soap mainly, also take the shoe strings out and just replace them after if you don't want to fuck up the washing machine.
  5. No stand, it comes with an adapter to put it on a tripod mounting bracket but that's it. I've got the same flash and it's fucking awesome.
  6. Thats another reason I hate flickr, huge fucking banners in the photography thread also.
  7. I had a 1st class upgrade once and the dude behind me had two kids he was flying with, a crying newborn a hyperactive/seat kicking toddler, fucked up my whole relaxation plans. They should dose all kids with some kind of sleeping agent and put them in kennels with the luggage. Fuck having kids on a plane.
  8. They aint that bad, I've been on a few of those, just hope you ain't next to super fat passenger or someone with a baby.
  9. First class is the shit on shorter flights like that, usually an upgrade is like $50 if they're trying to fill an unsold spot. I'd always go for it when I lived out west, nothing beats arm and leg room plus the free drinks.
  10. The page is looking pretty nice. A new one from the other day, random kids on 7 train.
  11. Now that you've mentioned it, it does look funny how the seasons change in one day in that post. You never know though, I've seen trees bud, leaves grow real fast, and fall off the tree in one night. It usually happens when it snows hard and then all melts a couple hours later to. :hatred:
  12. Also, props on the Dens post, dude should be rocking way more e-rep than that by now. Wait, WTF you mean stinkmouse odors? Oh shit, dude stripped all his exif data, right after I propped him to. hahaha
  13. Caught up in a project all day today, I'll holla tomorrow morning though.
  14. I smell a Montreal stench. Stan, you in town again?
  15. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD No offence but those gif's look like someone who just got photoshop and will never get good at it made them.
  16. ^:lol: My ex wife is Japanese, when we moved to NYC I ended up hanging out with all of her friends and their husbands/boyfriends. Right now a lot of my close friends here are Japanese or Asian and keep hooking me up their wimminz. I'm almost tired of it and kinda feel like a douchebag Asian chaser but the girls are so fresh I'm spoiled.
  17. I'm so used to dating Japanese girls it's usually them taking all the pics. It wouldn't cross my mind that it might be frowned on taking photo's on a date unless she's naked. :lol:
  18. Spent so long typing that didn't see the newer version. I like the second version better only because the colors in the photo seem to look realer. The eye was a little distracting but the wing wasn't, at least to me, either way though, good painting.
  19. I think if you're trying to evolve into new directions with your art it's going to feel forced or tough at first. I've tried out so many different things since graffiti and I've never liked anything the first shot I gave it. Maybe there are Juxtapose type artist that use realistic imagery mixed with abstract, I don't know. I wouldn't let it stop me from following through with trying a new direction, go with what you want to do. I only see shows around here in NYC, or stuff people post in places I look online, so I have no idea if it looks similar or not. My point is, I tend to go with my gut feeling when it comes to appreciating art, or creating it for that matter, not what other people like. My gut is telling me I like what you did up there, I try to keep an open mind for the most part when it comes to art, so I probably like a lot of shit people hate on this site. Not sure if my rambling is helpful in any way, just hoping you fight through feeling comfortable/uncomfortable and keep trying new stuff and evolving.
  20. Used to visit NYC weekly in the early 90's, off and on till I moved here 5 years ago, never been to the Statue of Liberty. Also, hope you got some wholesome piznute from the date.
  21. This thread just smells like a generic stinkmouse blog or womens fashion magazine. By all means, carry on.
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