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Everything posted by eliserx

  1. Naaah, man. If you only knew. Now you make me feel guilty... but that's only because I'm not used to being such cruel bitch.
  2. Xanax SUCKS, in my humble opinion. It's fun & my friend loves me when I'm on it but I always FORGET what I did. Woke up next day and saw a new case on my cell phone and was like wtf? Took me a while to remember that we went to the mall, I spent a buncha money I shouldn't have spent while homegirl & her fiance were shoplifting. Had I been sober, I would've been freaking out because I had just paid off court fees for a theft case I got dismissed, lol. Weed+xanax+sex=awesome, though. Drug of choice is and will probably always be weed. I don't smoke too often so I don't consider it a habit. Like, hey... I just got paid, paid bills, wanna kick it sorta thing so it's not all the time. Oxycontin trafficking is real bad where my grandparents stay. Over in KY, like the boonies country area. All of it coming out of FL. Lots of busts lately, though.
  3. Interpol is great.... I don't think they're pompous twats either.. Just rich kids... went to school in Europe & shit. Last I heard, Paul's dating Helena Christiansen, however its spelled. Hate on that.
  4. I just saw one meteor this morning. & I'm glad I saw any because it was too fucking cold to be standing outside for long.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear people with the snakes, i had never held a snake before... or put one on my shoulders, made kissy faces @ it, and put pictures of me + snake on my phone. i want a ball python now. shoulda jacked you. but thanks for the experience. hope you enjoy my friends sugar glider. she traded you the evil one =) iluvallcreatures, erx
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear houston drivers, quit being cunts. fuckyou, erx
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear ch 0, I couldn't find and/or was too lazy to look for the shit the fuck thread so I'm posting here. Thnks, erx Dear life, You are fucking crazy, shitty, and wonderful at times. Bipolar manic depressive asss... I suppose this is the crazy & wonderful part, my fav. Stayed up all night talking to someone I guess.. I mean I figure and say I love and I'm beginning to realize it's true, & I'm not worried.. Feel at ease & @ peace. & I'm not sure if I should interpret that as a sign of maturity or be scared as FUCK. Been smokin. Not stressin. Got a job. Been busy. Too busy to eat and although I wanna eat til I barf right now I'm kinda likin the convenience of starvation bc it pays off when I step on that scale. Traffic was coool til 45. In such a good mood I let 18 wheelers infront of me and all these other losers who stuck to the left when there were signs sayin it was closed... then realized I myself had to get over, & karma pays off =] Got to school... done with my project... EXHAUSTED & hungry, not lookin forward to work but keepin the optimism. still down w/ it/pardon the novel, erx Dear 12 oz members, have a good fuckin' day sincerely, me
  8. I would contribute to this thread if I was a lesbian. & I'd contribute to an ex boyfriend thread but no nudes.. bc male nudity isn't appealing.
  9. SCHOOL DAY, boring. morning traffic before class, extra credit survey class study room @ school b/w classes class 2
  10. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! I love this thread. Lots of amazing pictures and awesome pets. I haven't owned a rabbit since I was 6. Adopted the brown spotted ones. Food coloring to tell them apart. Yellow=Oedipus Pink=Electra Shelby Sparky Again. Fabio
  11. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?! i miss this thread
  12. I think she's pretty fascinating. I dunno why it's such a misfortune. Even if I got made fun of for literally having four fucking eyes, it'd be pretty badass to see in what, 360degreesor some shit? She sees in panoramic or something. Amazing.
  13. 4 square, pokemon, gel pens.. damn. In 1st grade my PE teacher used to always read us that Where the Sidewalk Ends book now and then.. I remember The Stinky Cheese Man too.. I didn't even know what the middle finger stood for 'til then. I'm white & I sat at a table with three hispanic kids who knew english but not too well.. they became my best friends instantly. I gave them all chicken pox, haha. I lost my tooth in class in kindergartin and told my teacher and I remember everyone clapped. &every other word was 'fuck' by 5th grade. Then middle school.. a kid in my spanish class used to steal gel-pens from girls and I'd trade nascars and other toy cars for them. And I remember my purse being stolen.. and when I got it back from the lost and found all my pokemon cards had been taken.. I cried. haha, didnt even care that my lunch money was gone too. &RACEWARS? those didnt start for me until highschool, I was never a part of them but I enjoyed watching EXCEPT when people I grew up with were involved. I really didn't notice color until these started going on. sucks how people change in highschool too.
  14. I've taken "internet enhanced" courses at my college where we just meet up in class once a week. I thought it was cool, gave me free time to do shit with an already full schedule. My friends classes were online only and she did well and it was better for her because she works full time. As long as you've got the discipline to still do work, study and read without being in a classroom 2-3 times a week, you'll do well.
  15. I remember my parents banned me from watching Ren & Stimpy. :rolleyes:
  16. if I can get the day off, I'm down.
  17. maybe they were just pattin' her down for hidden easter eggs. some girls are weird& calling everything rape, no doubt it happens though.
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