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Everything posted by eliserx

  1. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! hah i should. maybe he'll turn into an internet celebrity.
  2. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! that one's so cute. this is my pride and joy, shelby. up until him, i wasn't a fan of little dogs. this one was a stray that hung out in my front yard for a week until i adopted him and put him out back, lol and this is my best friends cat, clabis. she's betrothed to shelby.
  3. I probably don't know what I'm talking about but I think it might have something to do with an actual current running to the bench somehow. My dad bought this beat up trailer thing to go camping in that has electricity. One day I was going in and out and everytime I touched the door knob or metal around the door, I'd get a shock. When I'd hold on to either I'd be continually shocked like you were. Another time in middle school, all the girls in the locker room would dare another girl to touch one hand dryer with one hand and use the other hand to touch the dryer next to it. Whenever someone did it, I did this too, she'd be shocked/having the current run through her to the next dryer(I'm thinking). soo... possibility?
  4. I only have the 2-color edition.. no braille, and only blues & reds
  5. I've read it. It actually scared the shit out of me, mostly because I was so confused.
  6. I fell for this at school once... in the library with douchebags/strangers looking at my screen behind me. :)
  7. Zoroaster American cockroach Opium
  8. all of these were amazing. I especially like Maruo's work but i'd like to put all of it up in my room too
  9. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH
  10. Re: WordUp! > Ricky Bobby is ABC's limo driver. Don't Worry, We be shakin n bakin ||NH
  11. pretty wild. I can see it switch every now and then but if I look long enough, it doesn't. I have to look away a little.
  12. These were gifts from my uncle when I was 10 and I've always had more fun playing on NES :D I need to get some cleaning kit for them they're almost unplayable, always messing up mid-levels.. really frustrating.
  13. I live in TX and I don't pay attention to any football games but I know I'll hear about them eventually and in every class at school.
  14. i know alot of girls who shave their arms but it sucks because everytime i go to a club or show & brush against them i get scrateched. waxing would be a good option.
  15. Yeah, they know. Most girls look in the mirror everyday. I used to have a 'stache but I plucked it out with tweezers and it hasn't came back. It was the most painful thing I've ever done to my face(try it). &YES, I'm persian too :) so if you meet some hot persian girl, know that she had a stache & unibrow at one point in her life, if she denies it she's lying.. her [most likely] rich parents paid for the electrolysis or pay/paid for her to get it waxed.. and it is REALLY embarassing, and I got picked on but problem solved. Guys gave me shit about it but it was when I believed they had cooties so them saying things didn't bother me as much as girls, because girls can be fucking cruel. I knew this mexican girl who, in highschool, would tell people I looked like a dyke for a haircut I had. She had the hairiest arms I'd ever seen in my life. Looooong ass dark black hairs too but I never said a word to her, I already knew people talked about it. I hate girls.
  16. My grandma's name is Freda Jo and her husband's name was Leo.. I have no idea if it was short for anything, we just called him Leo. I've met a Eugene and Ulysess and then half my family's names are old honky tonk, like Donna Sue and Danny Ray.
  17. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD dunno if this is on here already
  18. Re: Stuff my butt with this pile of cold beets. Hard. No homo.
  19. Re: BEAT off into a pitcher of dog food its hasselhoff. eating a burger. i believe.
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