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Everything posted by eliserx

  1. Eating pizza at work, thinking about how pizza is a blessing from God, and waiting for 2pm so I can go back to bed.
  2. I think fetal alcohol syndrome is the cause... still no? didn't know where to put this but I wanted to share...
  3. Florence Welch from Florence and the Machine? Imogen Heap
  4. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! Sorry for your loss =( Bought a new car a month ago and let the boys check it out... & the cats...
  5. At work googling dentists in Houston & listening to a resident tell stories about how she's a Spanish princess. Pretty entertaining. Looking at your pets, too.
  6. @ work babysitting the mentally ill, checking e-mails, fb, and eating pizza.
  7. dear lower back, hey. i don't know what your problem is but i know I didn't lift any heavy shit for you to be acting up. we finally got a job. stop hurting& get better. thanks. dear ibuprofen and netflix, thanks for everything. e
  8. laying on the bed, all dressed for work... waiting til 3 to head out :o
  9. freezing in the library, ready to drop off this project and leave
  10. Digesting brown rice & drinkin' diet coke @ the library, reading articles on centenarians and theories on longevity for class... yawn.
  11. @ school. anxious to know my test grade from tuesday. ready to gtfo for the weekend.
  12. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! Fabio & Shelby getting older =..(
  13. at school trying to keep my sniffles on the low & coming off some frustration. people in houston can't drive, and nice courteous drivers are few and far between. crash and burn, bitches =]
  14. Saw this ^ & recently. Former had me crying the latter just made me super angry.
  15. lurkin' & checkin out azns at UH. go coogs.
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear people with the snakes, i had never held a snake before... or put one on my shoulders, made kissy faces @ it, and put pictures of me + snake on my phone. i want a ball python now. shoulda jacked you. but thanks for the experience. hope you enjoy my friends sugar glider. she traded you the evil one =) iluvallcreatures, erx
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear houston drivers, quit being cunts. fuckyou, erx
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear ch 0, I couldn't find and/or was too lazy to look for the shit the fuck thread so I'm posting here. Thnks, erx Dear life, You are fucking crazy, shitty, and wonderful at times. Bipolar manic depressive asss... I suppose this is the crazy & wonderful part, my fav. Stayed up all night talking to someone I guess.. I mean I figure and say I love and I'm beginning to realize it's true, & I'm not worried.. Feel at ease & @ peace. & I'm not sure if I should interpret that as a sign of maturity or be scared as FUCK. Been smokin. Not stressin. Got a job. Been busy. Too busy to eat and although I wanna eat til I barf right now I'm kinda likin the convenience of starvation bc it pays off when I step on that scale. Traffic was coool til 45. In such a good mood I let 18 wheelers infront of me and all these other losers who stuck to the left when there were signs sayin it was closed... then realized I myself had to get over, & karma pays off =] Got to school... done with my project... EXHAUSTED & hungry, not lookin forward to work but keepin the optimism. still down w/ it/pardon the novel, erx Dear 12 oz members, have a good fuckin' day sincerely, me
  19. SCHOOL DAY, boring. morning traffic before class, extra credit survey class study room @ school b/w classes class 2
  20. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! I love this thread. Lots of amazing pictures and awesome pets. I haven't owned a rabbit since I was 6. Adopted the brown spotted ones. Food coloring to tell them apart. Yellow=Oedipus Pink=Electra Shelby Sparky Again. Fabio
  21. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?! i miss this thread
  22. Spring break '08 so far has been a waste :( Maybe I'll catch up this weekend before school starts up again.
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