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Everything posted by Vivre

  1. whats with the highlighters?
  2. Vivre

    Camel Snus

    ^^ its not for quitting, its just a semi-safer way to get a nicotine buzz
  3. Vivre

    Camel Snus

    Has anyone heard of it? Its pretty weird, idk seems like a good alternative to smoking... This is an article about it: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=2099026&page=1
  4. idk, the pointyness of the 'c' and 'e' isnt what i would use, but keep tryin
  5. Vivre

    Dust tags

    first, dust tagging?!? second, how do you not understand?
  6. the new way to get out of 'toy hood' is to win a toy battle, i just made an official graffiti law!
  7. i have tons of cd's of pics, but not many of graff.
  8. i can barely see that, really does look like 'se'
  9. why isnt the toy battle on here instead?
  10. i love h-town, but this shit on here isnt the best out there...
  11. Vivre

    my cousin

    haha damn, i think thats tight as hell
  12. Vivre

    Mars has water

    i dont understand how we didnt know this before
  13. Vivre


    i got an ipod and love it, and now the zune's out i wanted it, but you can only share like one song to each person.. that kills the whole point of the thing...
  14. Vivre


    i dont understand racism, its a fucking color, Who Cares???
  15. Vivre

    graff songs

    task force, atmosphere, josh martinez, typical cats...
  16. its a cycle, lowes for rusto, then walmart for krylon, you have to keep the rakin spots chill...
  17. ^ i think so, man im lost..:crap:
  18. haha, this thread is so right, damn it makes no sense for rich kids to write, but im not going to hate if they're chill about it, but if the kids are fucking goin over your shit or ruining chill spots, then they need to get the fuck out!
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