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Everything posted by Tails0nE

  1. Sometimes you just gotta pull it.. I got this super dope reptar shirt from rue 21 out of all places a while ago.. my girl dragged me to the mall and when we went in I seen it right away.. basically looks like an iron maiden album cover but with reptar on it fucking buildings up and his name in the iron maiden font.. I just HAD to...
  2. Yeah the closet is a solid choice for now but I'm RIGHT on a main road in south side chi and during the day i hear the bus right outside, trucks, stereos, motorcycles and everything.. front closet is too empty so I still get a decent echo I'd have to just try at night to record for now when it's dead outside.. normally the crackheads are by the 711 and not outside at the bus stop so it should work out for now.. Also fuck these companies taxing on shit.. found a collapsible vocal booth which is just metal poles and moving blankets for like $500.. pffffffffffttttttt 💨
  3. Just bought these 3 shirts and they finally came in the other day.. gonna cop some more shit soon..
  4. glad to be back.. lifes been wiggity-wiggity wack lately but im still kickin.. also its funny you say that cause i just had that epiphany recently on my bday out of all days.. very close friend i consider a "brother" came by on my bday weekend to go out and about.. havent really hung out with him in years like that so thought itd be fun.. showed up already a pint of vodka and redbull in a gatorade bottle almost empty, went out to eat and get a couple drinks, didnt eat, drank 4 long islands.. went to a bar down the street to play pool, 3 more vodka redbulls and clearly drunk as hell.. went to the dispensary next door while he had another redbull vodka and had to deal with him being pissed he lossed his sunglasses.. go home to see my girl and smoke, went back out to meet up coworkers at a bar and he couldnt hang.. he was also super obnoxious and arrogant the whole night even to my other peoples saying, "im above this, im above all yall.. yall dont get it im above this shit" and other things like "man you cant make it without me you need me bro.. without me you aint gonna make it" which was super off putting in general.. oh also... didnt have money... so i had to pay for everything and it took him almost a month to pay me back cause he doesnt have a bank account just cash and excuse after excuse.. he paid me back eventually but it definitely made me realize that this person could potentially hold me back if i bring him around my inner circle of things im trying to accomplish since he seems to still be perpetually living the glory days back in 2008 or so.. still love him to death but after that i might need to keep some distance for a bit..
  5. fucking around with some voice over scripts to add to a demo before going to work but realizing how much of an echo i have going on and its kind of frustrating me.. i have a sound shield and foam thing over my mic but my living room is pretty big and empty, front closet doesnt have much and adds to the echo, bedroom closet is full of clothes to help dampen the sound BUT its also facing a main road and i have tons of trucks driving by along with my bus stopping frequently.. which is surprising its actually on time today.. guess ill just fuck around with it more later on tonight... now to nerd out on some diy acoustic treatments on youtube..
  6. Tails0nE


    definitely looking forward to the Last of Us 1 remake for the ps5.. as far as single player options the spiderman games are super fun.. havent played miles morales yet but all my buddies say its awesome and judging from how fun it was just swinging all throughout the city in the first one was im sure the second is equally dope.. besides that Control is dope with the ps5 upgrade, Sifu is fun as hell if you like beating people up, Dying Light 2 is pretty fun if your into zombies and parkour but it can get kind of old after a while.. Ghost of Tsushima is awesome especially with the iki island update.. Also not for nothing but HotWheels Unleashed is fucking awesome.. its on sale in the ps store for like $15 and its fun as fuck.. Basically drift city with hotwheel cars and you can customize your cars and make your own tracks as well.. definitely a game thats been slept on fershuuuuure..
  7. sucks about their fall out but they'll both be just fine.. "allegedly" alot if not most of it stems from some shit with their manager/friend.. i guess showtime asked him to stop coming to tapings and reads or whatever cause they got mad complaints from employees of him being a dick and yelling at people and just being an asshole overall.. mero was sticking with their homie, desus understood where showtime was coming from and was ok with it.. i guess the real question is, given the situation if this is indeed what happened with their fallout, how would you play it out? give up a brand you built for a homie who could potentially ruin it and other upcoming endeavors and stick by his side cause he was there since day one..? or have him step down a peg or two, re-evaluate some things and keep it moving forward? tough call honestly.. sometimes staying loyal to certain people will close certain doors and opportunities for you because of the company you keep.. idk.. either way I hope the best for them both..
  8. Soooo I've gathered alot of keef recently and have no idea what to do with it besides top off bowls occasionally.. thinking about filling the jar to the top and figuring out something cool to do with it but I got nothing... Any recommendations on what I can do with all this...?
  9. honestly i have no idea.. ive kind of just been tryin to make V as evenly rounded as possible but ive been leaning more towards the hacker side and kind of a gun expert for the most part.. so far this is my second play through picking it up after months of not even remembering i had it and ive just been doing all of the side missions and random gigs to get more xp and money before going to meet with hanako.. i do have the rocket arm tho so thats pretty fun but i definitely gotta get more into getting cyberware and upgrading V's capabilities..
  10. Milk for my coffee and donuts from 711.. thought the red velvet one would be better than it looked.. it is not... 🤷🏽‍♂️
  11. Update to my other updates... I finally got my hands on a ps5 luckily through a friend from work and I feel this should've just been a "next gen" game.. I don't have a 4k tv for now but overall it looks a whole lot better especially the frame rate along with these adaptive triggers makes it alot more satisfying.. it's dope cause you feel the tension in the trigger when driving then feel it give way for like half a second while the car is switching gears which is super dope just to have that as a feature.. driving is fun, shooting is awesome, this controller really gives it alot more to enjoy.. but yeah cyberpunk is finally fun but to be honest I only got halfway through it on my ps5 and kind of stopped playing it since then.. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  12. Spotify and YouTube.. not YouTube music tho just regular YouTube with my premium account cause fuck ads but I find alot of samples and dope mixes on YouTube and keep the regular albums and shit on Spotify..
  13. Here's a lil of what's been in my rotation lately.. As silly as these mugs are that last verse from Zack fox was dope..
  14. Tails0nE


    gentlemen, please bow your head for a moment of silence for my ps4.... nah but fer realz my playstation fucked up on me the other day.. turned on in safe mode, said i needed to reinstall the system version 9.03 or higher, went through the steps and downloaded the new os from playstation, put it on the thumb drive and the whole shabang... it almost installed the os the first go around and gave me an error message right at the last like 10% or so.. tried the other day when i got home from work and it just stays in safe mode saying it cant read the thumb drive anymore... sooooo yeah im probably gonna need a new hard drive from the sound of things.. either that or try and get my hands on a ps5... 👀🤷‍♂️
  15. Just moved recently and the gas hasn't been cut on yet at the new place.. figured I'd throw down for a nice home cooked meal for me and my girl.. simple pollo guisado.. chicken breast, potatoes, carrots, onion, sofrito, sazon, cilantro, tomato sauce, chicken stock, salt n pepper over white rice with a fuck load of avocado on top.. set that shit on low in the crock pot for.. basically all day.. gets the whole house smelling reeeeaal gooooood..
  16. So I guess the app Giphy let's you make some.. only 6 or 7 seconds long but it gets the job done I suppose..
  17. Yup.. this kid is gonna be free and able to drink with his mom at bars again... 🙄
  18. Yeah sooooo for some reason mematic won't let the gifs play they come out as just pics for me.. Hopefully that won't disqualify me for future memez cause my dumbass been trying for two fucking days to make this shit move.. 🤦🏽‍♂️
  19. All I know is it was a couple of black dudes walking down a street, not even doing anything and they said "look they're over here fuckin with us acting all tough cause they got a gun" then pointed the camera to Kyle smiling and laughing with like two other dudes standing with Kyle, also with guns.. if I'm correct it escalated a bit with Kyle telling em to get the fuck out of here and them talking shit back.. quick video I seen when everything first happened but I know for a fact I've seen it..
  20. Nope.. completely different situation/confrontation.. just some dudes walking and him talking shit on the sidewalk with some other dorks smiling at the camera.. apparently it was just about 30 minutes or so before he went pewpew on the other people..
  21. Don't forget the video of him blatantly harassing people walking by provoking a confrontation for no reason whatsoever when the people protesting weren't burning, rioting or doing anything but walking.. the video is out there my friend..
  22. Didn't wanna be the guy to say it but this is one thousand percent correct..
  23. Still not to blame for people passing out and injecting people with random drugs.. one performer can't be solely responsible for thousands of people.. you can only see and know so much while performing.. could there have been more preventative measures? Absolutely.. but you can't point the finger at ONE person for the blame game when there were tons of other variables that contributed to this incident.. tweeting you're gonna sneak people in doesn't mean storm the stage, crush the gates and other people or that they condone everything else that happened.. when Michael Jackson was alive he had tons of people passing out just by him standing on the stage looking into the crowd.. is he to blame for them passing out as well....? Also lulz.. no hard on whatsoever my guy.. got surprised with tickets from my girl since she wanted to see like two people on the lineup and she knows we always go to the front of every show we've gone to.. also we weren't willing to get crushed hence why we went to the balcony afterwards, the part you probably skipped.. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  24. How the hell do y'all gifs still work..?
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