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Everything posted by *PROTOCOL*

  1. But she isn't going to remember the lesson!
  2. Yeah, anon is probably going to order a million pizzas to his house and tell his employer he is a baby raper or some shit.
  3. I feel kind of sorry for him. The internet is going to blow this shit out of proportion. Who hasn't, especially from the group of people on this site, gotten shit faced and done something stupid? I mean seriously, big whoop, he got drunk and pissed on something.
  4. Even police dogs talk shit about the police.
  5. Unless he sent that fish up in an oversized jiffy pop bag, I don't give a fuck.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12rh6yhBJ34
  7. Well it obviously works on some people, hence this thread.
  8. Haha, type in "Larp" then spacebar on google and "larp girls" is the first sugestion.
  9. There are quite a few ingredients, you are going to need pants that are baggy as fuck to rack them all.
  10. Not a bad ad campaign. They started to evoke an emotional response from me, but then I was like "oh wait, they're just trying to sell me a piece of fabric."
  11. Its much cheaper to just make everybody think you are everywhere.
  12. Haha, I've said the same thing on here before, something about remembering when I was a kid and seeing other kids from school at the thrift store, and you both noticed each you would give each other a look that implied neither one of you had seen each other there.
  13. Yo real talk, when I was a teenager I got some fucked up athletes foot fungus from living in group homes/shelter/jail, tried everything, powders, gels etc.. nothing worked till I scrubbed my shit with dial on a washcloth. To this day never came back.
  14. HelLZ Ya DoG,ErRy tHiNg DaT cOmEz OuT Of BoOkZ Iz MaD GaY, UnLeSs ThEy BlAcKbOoKz!
  15. Seems like writers have a reputation for carrying around shit like mace, tazers, flare guns, box cutters etc..I guess its better than guns.
  16. Bloodfart and banana fish are both excellent storytellers, IMHO.
  17. *PROTOCOL*

    Head On!

    ^^^^Haha, is that one of those random attached thumbnails?
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