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Everything posted by *PROTOCOL*

  1. How could you blame someone for raping him? He looks like he was pretty hot. nh.
  2. I love 12oz. This shit is hilarious.
  3. Some kids bike at my school. The funniest part is, I know he pays for school with loans, so he probably wont be able to afford another one. LOL Just kidding. It was a red bull and a tattoo magazine from 7-11.
  4. I'm not commenting on the fact you stole the book, but the fact this website made you hear voices in your head is funny. Like, "stealing a book, or giving a book back, which would make a better thread? Better get pics or it didn't happen". My moral compass was askew years before I even came on this website. If anything, I feel I am a better person now than I was 5 years ago, all the while coming to this forum regularly.
  5. ^^^^I've also read numerous times that people who get them 5 or more concecutive years in a row are at a much greater risk for alzheimers disease, due to the mercury/mercury derivatives in them. What really makes me mad is the way my work handles it. I think injecting something into your body is a big decision. They kind of tell you "just shut up and take it, its good for you", instead of giving out detailed information and letting people make an informed decision. It was a hassle for me just to get the facts sheet that comes with the shots their giving us this year, so I could know which one it is and from what company let alone the ingredients. I've decided I'm not going to. I will just wear a mask for 6 months. Fuck that shit.
  6. I do not want one. My work is making them mandatory this year. I work at a hospital. You can opt not to get one, but you will have to wear a mask for the entire flu season which can last more than six months. At this point, they are not making the H1N1 mandatory, but if they end up with a large enough stock they probably will. I am having a really hard time dealing with this. It pisses me off. I have worked in a hospital for over seven years, and never get sick. The HR lady came and talked to our department, because there is alot of dissent about this. Basically, she told us to deal with it, its to be expected in the future and our company is a flagship model for it. Fuck off bitch. Apparently, NY made it mandatory under state law this year for all healthcare workers. This is bullshit.
  7. YEA GUIZE, NOT EVERY1 GREW UP WITH CURSEV. *lol, mickey d's beat me to it.
  8. We can shoot people here in Colorado. Just google "make my day" law.
  9. THE LOG OUT FUNCTION. I am logged in on a couple of computers at work where most of the menu bar is disabled, so clearing cookies and what not is disabled. I've been logged in for months. Kind of annoying. Other than that, I am stoked about what you guys have in the works.
  10. Nice. One of these is going to be my next major purchase. I really like the black backlit keys. I was going to opt for a regular macbook, but then I found out the new ones dont have firewire connectivity? WTF, I don't know why thet would do this considering so much of their customer base is arists and musicians. A pro will probably be better in the long run anyways.
  11. Or a junior bacon cheeseburger eating contest?
  12. I was just reading something recently talking about how "everything except country and classical" has almost become a catch phrase in american culture. lol Basically, if you cant appreciate Jimmie Rodgers, well, I have nothing left to say after that. He is up there with Henry David Thoreau on my list of american people that were awesome.
  13. Holy shit, I haven't read any of this thread except the last couple pages.........it has delivered.
  14. DAO, one of my favorite people on this board.
  16. Florida is gods waiting room.
  17. Of Sriracha + anything for that matter
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