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Larry Pubes

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Everything posted by Larry Pubes

  1. what a slimey piece of shit. this is probably minor league shit though. did anybody ever catch that abc show where they set up pedophiles? they set them up and exposed them on camera...doctors, lawyers, plumbers, accountants, you name it.
  2. yea, or some will find really stupid ass ways to argue it's already full blown.
  3. ah yes, and once again you make a point to ride my jock like tina turner circa 11/16/1984. anyhow, what mamerro said.
  4. duuuude...the context of the original post i asked you about leaves little room for misunderstanding, yet i still asked for clarification(and nicely too). did anything good come from your butthurt reply? btw, my wedgie remark was on point and entirely appropriate in lieu of your whining. in the future you can avoid things like this by writing better and assuming that most of us that frequent crossfire are concerned with facts as well and will ask for clarification and/or nitpick bullshit statements. let's move along now shall we?
  5. hello? well, i'll just leave it there since your intellect is obviously untouchable.
  6. whoa tiger, take the panties out from your ass crack for a second. you said the americans are killing 3000 iraqi's a month....i'm asking you if you're blaming the whole situation on the americans, which is pretty black and white whether you 'know what the fuck it means' or not. the 3000 figure must include a hefty portion of ethnic violence, NOT purely american on iraqi violence. but yo dunny, i'm willing to hear you out since you're spouting 'facts'. perhaps you can back this claim up. or you can give another empty knee jerk response.
  7. sorry to get off topic, but are you just taking the security issue and consolidating it into a general, black and white picture to come up with such an assertion?
  8. this was posted awhile back actually along with another adam curtis bbc doc on edward bernays and the molding of the public mind. but good to repost nonetheless.
  9. "He's on his final hole. He's about 455 yards away, he's gonna hit about a 2 iron I think."- Carl Spackler
  10. ^no way dude!!! he really said that?!?!? get out!!
  11. fair enough. however, i think treating dawoods reply as essentially frivolous 'bullshit' is really ignoring the rational likelihood that many american muslims(that are innocent until proven guilty) have been taken into custody and detained, regardless of really any mainstream coverage. including or aside, i would think it's likely that perhaps hundreds of other american muslims were taken into custody in the post-9/11 hysteria and denied basic rights and perhaps beaten. of course it's entirely possible that barely a handful have been detained, including padilla. we would obviously need to distinguish what constitutes a detrimental period of time in detainment. a week? 2 weeks? a couple of months? years as with padilla? as with many things, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.
  12. why are you twisting the argument? obviously anyone would agree stopping an attack is worth it, including the groups you mentioned (i like how you throw terrorists in with liberals and conspiracy theorists) provided the information is solid and you aren't torturing just anybody who looks the part.
  13. ORLY? since this is all speculation, arguing anything aside from the fact bush admitted they exist is moot.
  14. i didn't think the recent finding made a lick of difference on prices now or in the near future, but maybe i too have an 'extreme lack of economic intelligence'.
  15. these guys obviously rule. rumsfeld's good pal wolfowitz(remember this assbag?) used to pal around with suharto, and last time i checked he still thought the guy was pretty standup.
  16. i'm sure a guy like ahmadinejad would not lie and only tell the truth. on the other hand, the rhetoric out of washington is nice and bullshitish. instead of a debate, they should enter the ufc octagon and get loose..i hear bush benches 220.
  17. that thing is on par with ghostface's gold wrist band eagle.
  18. holy fucking tron-stylesz.
  19. fuckin' a jbrsh, thanks.
  20. that water system is sweet ass. this isn't quite as cool, but looks like something out of a sci-fi movie: maunsell sea forts i don't know if anybody here has any idea what i'm talking about, maybe mamerro will know, but does anybody remember those plastic cards that had 2 or 3 images on one side with a whole bunch of little horizontal ridges, and depending on how you hold the card, you see a different image...it's not a hologram, but geeky like that. i've asked so many people and everybody remembers exaclty what they are, but nobody has any clue what they are called, or what the technique is called.
  21. so much good shit in here. some of those lomo's are gorgeous. question: remember those cards you could get that had 2 or 3 images on a side depending on how you held the card? anybody remember what they are called? it's kind of a hologram type of thing, but it's not a hologram... ?
  22. illness: old school sesame street video clips
  23. also insanely dope childhood viewing:
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