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Larry Pubes

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Everything posted by Larry Pubes

  1. ..while your handle of retard-right-rhetoric is also quite impressive. HI-OOOOOO!
  2. juan, your unwavering conviction that nearly every wild-ass theory about 9/11 is true is something to behold. [ace venture]reeheeheeheeeeeallly interesting.[/ace ventura]
  3. gnarlinksz: http://www.elshaarani.com/links/pictures.html http://www.flickr.com/photos/12846488@N00/ old school: http://youtube.com/watch?v=5dJ76l_Xtis
  4. if i light a match i'm gonna look like this dude:
  5. i'm polluting the air in my house today bigtime, ugh...
  6. oh, and take a class like rental said. if you don't take a class, hope you find someone who is willing to sit for you, otherwise use the google method i stated above. yr welcum.
  7. hey i wasn't trying to be a dink..sorry, "diked".......but how much simpler can you get? grab a pencil, do a google image search of a face until you find one you think is usable, and start at it. grab your eraser and keep working on it. you'll probably get really frustrated for awhile because you suck insanely bad when you start, but eventually, IF you keep at it, you will start understanding the basics of a face and how to draw one...start by simplifying everything...the head is a circle, draw a circle. then fill it in with the details. the eyes from a head on perspective are in the middle of the face...etc..
  8. clue: start....drawing...real................people...
  9. is there an echo in here?
  10. see though, i kinda think that despite gore/the movie's flaws, the general message that we need to chill the fuck out in the face of the overwhelming power of the fossil fuels industry balances out any bullshit he may be peddling. gore is a mega douchebag, but the fact remains that now more than ever...due to his film..people are actually thinking about the issue on a much wider scale, and that is a very good thing. i suspect that many of the people who have had their interest sparked by the film are educated enough to travel their own path to what's correct and rational, despite the finer points of gore's thesis.
  11. okay, how many of you would party with bush? eh? look at the guy, imagine getting gunned on tequila with him...as much as i hate the fuck, there's a little part of me that likes him. it would be a blast to get wasted with him and talk mad shit to his face.
  12. this poll should be titled 'who's the bigger snake'. i pretended that's what it was called when i voted.
  13. yay, another extremely shitty 9/11 theory video!
  14. there is sooo much gear out there these days that is graff frillied up that you can't seriously think that wearing anything with graff on it says 'i'm a vandal'. in fact i would say graff culture is so permeated into youth gear that it says the total opposite...it says 'i'm not a vandal at all, i'm a poser trying to extrovert my street cred'. i'd say in the last month alone i've output probably 5 new jobs to be screened on shirts with tag writing on them, 2 of them were for some little gay dance studios, another was for a rowing event, another for a high school basketball team...
  15. exactly, now reread my reply to what casek wrote. everything you said is perfectly true, however the point i was trying to make was that the general populace is so accustomed/bombarded with scandals from the absurd to scandals that should be causing riots that 'life' outside of your own bubble has become a massive spectacle of overwhelming proportions...it's year in year out, over and over and over again. everybody knows these guys are total scumbags, yet they still hold power with reckless abandon. the average american has either little time to devote to grassroots activism, they simply don't care, are lazy, or their spirit is crushed by the onslaught of helpless indifference brought on by a highly cynical, ironic, diabolical culture that engulfes them 24-7. it takes alot of commitment, time and energy to battle corrupt power, more than most people can muster while they work 40+hrs/week, raise kids, stay in shape, have hobbies and pursue 'happiness' and dreams. for good or for bad, that's the general reality.
  16. if i was an alien looking down on earth and peeping this shit i'd think the scandals were pre-rigged or something. walter reed was a pretty big deal, with some core issues, but it's pretty much gone. before that it was libby...gone. before that? who knows. next week it will be something else...just keep the momentum focused on a very narrowly defined debate parameter and spin the fuck out of it with lightweight opinion and partison bickering until the next one...then do it all over again until the one after that...
  17. think about how many scandals there have been in your life alone at the top levels. then factor in the expansive media permeation since the late 80's/early 90's and splash scandals all over the tube and on every newspaper (and now across the net) on a routine basis... scandals are so woven into the fabric that it's just a big disconnect like you're watching a show on tv.
  18. as ridiculous as it seems that these confessions could be faked, there is always a little creep in the back of my mind telling me that news like this is to be taken with a grain of salt. fuckin' cynicism.
  19. tess my brother...as a 1 off slice of unrelated genius you should dl j dilla's 'nothing like this'. and i dunno...if half an album is ass and the other half is fucking amazing then it's worth every dime in my books. i'm NEVER satisfied with a whole album by anybody.
  20. that's actually my lady's term...do you really need me to define it? tonite gleonardo had a spokesperson from peta on and said with a smirk that his 'meat footprint is enormous'....
  21. i'm out of it...why is the reporters name bolded?
  22. i saw her on a cbc fifth estate doc on the invasion of iraq last night. she was so smirky and gross it made my package recoil in horror and i think i heard my dick make a little scream when she came on. she thinks iraq is not just better off post saddam, but waaay better off. then she spouted some classic material straight out of cheney's book of funnies...something about how the whole middle east will soon become a democracy/america loving land of flowers. all with a holier than thou smarminess. from an intellectual point of view, she's just so......sexy!!
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