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Larry Pubes

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Everything posted by Larry Pubes

  1. bump for zany cheney...and bump for his recent comments that the suggestion that mistakes/blunders were made in iraq is 'hogwash'. oh, and let's not forget his gaylord daughter and how her life is 'off limits'...man, i fucking love his grasp of irony!
  2. Larry Pubes

    remmbering 911

    whatever happened to vreeland?
  3. it seems to me macs are at a place where the market demand is greater than ever. economics 101, no?
  4. in the first gulf war, iraq had high level diplomatic contact with US officials previous to iraq's aggression, as well as through the sanctions the US imposed...after that it's mostly belligerent 'diplomacy'. if you look at the record, almost immediately following the sanctions, the US, as reported, moved to cut off diplomacy as it may have 'defused the situation'. instead of letting the sanctions and resolutions take effect and have border issue negotiations, they began preparing for invasion. no negotiations over regional issues at all. there was some shit flying back and forth before the invasion, which concerned border issues with kuwait, iraqi access to the gulf, a dispute over an oil field that extended a few miles into kuwait(but through an unsettled border), as well as issues of israel's illegal occupation of southern lebanon etc, all of which the US completely refused to discuss diplomatically. iraq also offered to negotiate on it's WMD, proposing to destroy it's stash if countries such as israel and iran also followed suit. the US responded by saying, sure, go for it, but specified that there would be no linkage to weapons systems or any other issue, which indicates the US was protecting israel and, among other things, the illegality of the US selling weapons systems and tech to a quiet nuclear power. and blahblahblah it goes. at the end of the day, the US blocked any peaceful resolution to the crisis and invaded with brutal aggression, imposed harsh sanctions that totalled the civilian population and there you have it. i do not think the US purposefully targets civilians. but the point i have tried to make at various times here is that this only seems to matter to westerners. there's a contradiction in defending this when the US has never had any concern for human rights in it's external behaviour. did the US invade iraq because it cared about iraqi's? did it care saddam used chemicals and technology the US provided on innocent people? does the US govt care whether or not there is 'collateral damage'? obviously yes, since it develops strategies to control bad news escaping the warzone. was there intent to kill hundreds of thousands of people post invasion gulf war 1? perhaps everyone but the US govt knew the sanctions were killing hundreds of thousands of kids and mothers. thousands of innocent people were slaughtered during the illegal invasion of panama as well, and they probably didn't mean that either. woopsy! talk to a panamanian that lost a relative and ask them if they care whether the US meant it or not. westerners can keep justifying the killing by trumpeting fragile ideas of what's right an wrong when it comes to their own govt's motivations, but flip sides and the creation of legitimate grievances will increase the hatred and further erode western credibility in it's foreign affairs. which obviously doesn't bode well for anybody. mmm, i don't think i was comparing hitler to bush or making any real statement about the climate of comparison we see in the last few years. what i was trying to point out is that bush, cut down to his bare crimes(where to start?), isn't much better than hussein. forget ww2, forget trying to sort out who was doing what for purported x moral cause. they are both more or less responsible for unimaginable brutality, misery and chaos. the context i'm talking about doesn't make one form of violence any more justified than another. as for the the debate thing, that is a joke. i don't care what happened in any branch of government leading up to the war. it was a forgone conclusion regardless of ANY debate within government or out, and many people knew this. the fact that the war was cheered in major media, with pro-war pundits/experts getting a significant amount more play than reasoned voices, means there was no REAL debate in the world's 'greatest democracy'. nobody was playing clips of condi and colin talking about his extremely diminished capabilities back in early 2001. the responsiblities of the press were trampled and critical information was kept from the public. the media adopted govt syntax and parroted it, which again, means the US went to war much the way a totalitarian state would.
  5. huh? wait a sec dude...are you saying that we are turning a blind eye to what is so obviously a purposeful design, thought out decades earlier so a bunch of deluded conspiracy dweebs could discover it decades later and post it on the internet as proof of the illuminati?!?!? one thing is for sure, it would be even cooler if that dollar bill fold actually had BOTH towers...i mean then it would be totally totally unfuckwithable proof.
  6. it's really astonishing that the bush/cheney crime syndicate is still wielding power. i like how bush decided to meet with the family members of dead soldiers finally, it really sends the message that he's the concerned, great leader he believes himself to be instead of the thug he really is.
  7. call it whatever you like. whatever brutal crimes hussein committed doesn't change the fact america was the aggressor in the first gulf war which resulted in heinous and devastating consequences for the iraqi population. and now once again america is the aggressor with predicted/predictably disastrous results. i'm not trying to single you out specifically and be a dick, but dude has a point(and it's a point you rarely hear in western media). you could argue that the catastrophic results of the sanctions were 'systematic'. military planning is about as systematic as you can get. bottom line is this invasion alone has caused roughly 200 times as many deaths as 9/11. all based on a purposeful campaign of lies and the single, pathetic war aim of removing one fuck from power 'for the people'. on a sidenote, and i'm being slightly extreme here, but your argument about bush being different (majorly) because he was 'elected' doesn't mean much in lieu of the fact there was no real debate over the invasion in both the first and recent invasion of iraq. which means the US went to war much the same way a dictatorship like hussein's would go to war.
  8. this is some excellent shit. i have a personal vendetta against you because i think your mockery of casek is hurtin'. plus your general idea of issues in israel/palestine are elementary, but if you want to assign some kind of bullshit at me for calling you on it a few times, whatever makes you feel better. i don't think i've ever actually called you a name(funny, you get extremely butthurt over people disagreeing with you). certainly nothing as vile as calling me a 'fascist'. as for the rest of your post, i'm not sure how to even respond other than laughter. vile personal attacks? never, although i'll admit to calling your intelligence into question, but that's not really a 'vile' attack unless you're a crybaby. far left views? if that was the case, i would be agreeing with casek on a myriad of issues, namely his wacky 9/11 theories. i don't and if you cared to pay any attention you would know i've asked casek to provide proof/links probably more than anyone in crossfire. you're extrapolating this garbage from my views on the issues of israel and palestine, and since i called you out on your hypocrisy in those threads, now i'm fascist. i'm trying to recall the last time i called/accused you or anyone here of being a 'sheep', and wow, i can't recall that either. the rest of your post is just diarrhea that has no relevance to anything i have ever said to you.
  9. one thing is for sure in this thread, theo has lame mockery on lock. casek is alright in my books, even if some of his claims are rooted in shifty 'facts'. these days you can't fault somebody for being unbelievably cynical and suspect of the gov't.
  10. US ambassador to iraq, april glaspie(july 25, 1990 - official minutes): I admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country. I know you need funds. We understand that and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait. I was in the American Embassy in Kuwait during the late 60’s. The instruction we had during this period was that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America. James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction. given the relationship this is about as carte blanche as you can get.
  11. i revise my earlier statement. bottom line is while he's doing his shitty ass 'art/graff' everybody has an opinion, and a fairly heated opinion at that, while he's getting paid. not only is he getting paid, he's laughing his ass off that he's getting paid doing a hilariously shitty schtick. neckface sucks, knows he sucks and actively sucks as bad as possible. regardless of his 'skills', his formula is on point. who cares if only scenester douchebags think he's hip and all that. does neckface care? this is a guy that calls himself fucking neckface. NECKFACE. and really, subjective opinions of somebody else's skill or merit is moot.
  13. except you never condemn israel. never. not only that, but you never seriously condemn your own govt's support of israel. you haven't looked very hard, because if you did you would be aware of israel's regular crimes against civilians that includes women and children, kidnappings, torture and all sorts of lovely things. but wait...i'm making it all up. oh, and i'm siding with teh evil ones. you are so biased and ignorant to the situation and history it's nauseating. israel is the dominating, occupying military force, not hamas and the few million palestinians living in humiliating squalor..the situation has absolutely no symmetry. the IDF has and does kill civilian palestinian men, women and children regularly, all under the auspices of it's master and the faulty justification of 'defense'. you have an internet connection, use it and do some research. israel must have lost their 'innocence' pass long ago as well eh, which would make it okay for hamas or palestinian militants to target israeli political leadership, since israel gunships whole apartments buildings full of innocent women and children. and since those gunships and missiles are provided by the US govt, i guess it would be cool if some politicians back home got bucked. ugh, nice little ball snuggle of israel. you should really do a little research of that particular conflict as well, aside from the leisurely cnn perusal. negatory. 'it' call you out when i see your ignorance regarding israel's extreme hypocrisy and beyond that i couldn't give a rat's ass about you.
  14. sorry, but that's some bulllllllshit. whenever i see a post in crossfire by you regarding anything to do with israel and the OPT/palestinians it NEVER takes issue with the systematic, heinous, terrorist crimes committed by israel in the OPT. there is no 'defense' or justification for the crimes israel has perpetrated over the last 39years in the west bank and gaza. likewise nobody should, or can defend the suicide bombers...it goes without saying, regardless of the fact these people happen to originate from stark, humiliating circumstances incurred by a brutal 4 decade occupation. however, somehow the immense hypocrisy of israel and it's defenders somehow gets a free pass with guys like you otherwise you wouldn't flippantly spew such hypocritical turds. you probably haven't noticed, but gaza and the west bank have essentially been systematically decimated with brutal crimes being committed and escalated by israel in the last few months, all explicitly approved by the US executive branch. and it continues on and on, and nobody can do shit because israel is a regional powerhouse supported, armed and backed by the most powerful country ever.
  15. if you're going to write about this topic academically you need to try and round out those definitions. for instance, the literal meaning of 'freedom fighter' is quite different than the reality of some of the examples you used. were the contras really freedom fighters? the term is also applied by hypocrits and criminals since it is universally considered a noble label. is the dalai lama a freedom fighter? what about hamas? defining terrorism/terrorist is equally difficult. if you go by the US govt's own definition, they routinely fall under it, as do virtually all states. however, states justify their own terrorism under the ruse of counterterror.
  16. i don't know why you guys continue to bother even approaching the almighty constitution while aod is on here. he will never accept anything other than his own stubborn interpretation of it, and that's that.
  17. damn, that is one of the freshest headbands i've ever seen.
  18. pfff, watercolour is fucking awesome, don't front.
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