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Larry Pubes

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Everything posted by Larry Pubes

  1. graffiti is overwhelmingly lame. well, except for like 1%. the other 99% is an embarrassment to the human race.
  2. no offense, but i've never seen so much tacky gay in my life. this shit is the stuff that 3-4years from now you're going to want to burn any and all photos of you wearing any of this shit due to extreme embarrassment at your ridiculously bad taste. not to mention those thugs are rockin' shit made out of my grandma's mothballed up, english, 1970's couch cushions.
  3. http://youtube.com/watch?v=zmLToYe8nRo
  4. man, i'm not willing to give pelosi anything yet. when she walks the talk we'll see. i'll give her and the dems some props when bolten is chucked, gates is snubbed, there's serious progess on multiple fucked up issues, and impeachment and war crimes are seriously put on the table for the high level, neocon architects, not just rummy. it seems that people have extremely short memories, especially the media and this big happy brouhaha about the dems is less troubling than if the repubes maintained, but american politics is still a joke and i find all this 'yay for the dems' shit hard to swallow. yay for empire lite! if the repubes are coke, the dems are pepsi...both rot your teeth.
  5. lou dobbs is an awesome name
  6. hey casek, somebody told me earlier today that ed chilled with hunter s.....whattya think..?
  7. http://youtube.com/watch?v=zmLToYe8nRo
  8. mammero's closing comments in that thread are spectacular.
  9. dude is a perfect candidate for the bush/cheney crime syndicate:
  10. me too, however this is an interesting little tidbit: Given the rapidly multiplying constellation of crises and criticisms hitting his presidency in its metaphorical face, President Bush has taken the extraordinary step of investing in a tract of private real estate. For the past week, the international press has been spellbound by reports that Jenna Bush, the president’s daughter, has negotiated a real estate transaction in upper Paraguay for a huge ranch even by Texas standards. Now international speculation presumes that the Bushes have taken the advice of their family’s consigliores to maintain a bolt-hole hideaway just in case of the eruption of problematic or discomforting political developments in their homeland.
  11. Re: November 2006 imagine if the dems regain control and shit essentially stays the same course...ball gets fumbled, dems pick it up and run. it will be interesting indeed to see how american politics evolves(or devolves) from tuesday on.
  12. not really feelin' it. however, i am feelin' siggi..
  13. i heard if you look in the dictionary under 'skankbag' there's a picture of her
  14. http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=63462434976885957
  15. ^john rendon is a real piece of work.
  16. gnarley, those schatzkammer letters are buck wildin'.. what's the book called again?
  17. this is minorly interesting: index of view-master covers
  18. that's funny because believe it or not i posted that briefly after reading some notes on the subject by a US nuclear physicist. if you have other information i'd be willing to have a peep though..
  19. they (the US) used a fuckload of DU munitions in kosovo. shit is triflin'. and now they are using it again in iraq and afghanistan. basically they are turning the middle east/central asia into a radiological disaster zone. the sweet part is uranium breaks down with a half life of like 4 billion years or something, so the radiological mess is there forever..
  20. good find, that book looks gnarley.. another extremeley gnarley book: Cabinet of Natural Curiosities
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