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Everything posted by metronome

  1. the CBS was fantastic. the orange creamsicle was meh.
  2. metronome


    I have a friend who swears by CBD oil and I have to admit I'm curious. A couple of ex pro cyclists run https://floydsofleadville.com/ and they have a range of CBD recovery products. Pretty tempted to give it a shot just to see what it's like.
  3. This is true of course but the meme is purposefully obtuse about that. You would never run a gov't the way you run a household even with a reasonable debt ratio considered. It just bothers me seeing purposefully obtuse memes shared on socials and then they get blindly accepted as fact and shared wide.
  4. Amazon too. I see people shilling for smart speakers all the time. Not sure why I should spend +$100 for amazon to be able to market to me constantly. They need human interpretation to fine tune the machine learning to help it grasp context, and some of the things that people overhear are so upsetting that the employees have created places online where they can decompress and share horror stories because they aren't allowed to report anything to authorities. So you can buy ass wipe easier. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2019/04/amazon-workers-eavesdrop-amazon-echo-clips/587110/
  5. So I survived this. Moving time was 5 and a half hours. Pretty pleased with myself.
  6. The white stout was ... different. The mash had a full wedding cake thrown in.
  7. The white stout was ... different. The mash had a full wedding cake thrown in.
  8. Goddamn @Media Onethat looks like a gooder
  9. metronome


    @KILZ FILLZdamn that bike is pretty.
  10. metronome


    I'm too paranoid but I know a guy who rides with a cheap pair of ear buds with the left ear cut off. He listens to mostly podcasts when he's riding. I have a hard time listening to music even on the indoor trainer, fucks up my cadence.
  11. I saw this. Slowly starting to announce cast (they showed Nynaeve today). I will end up hate watching this I'm sure.
  12. Holy shit I haven't listened to Zombie Apocalypse in forever. Thank you for bringing them up!
  13. Here’s a few recent ones I’ve had:
  14. I'm doing a fondo ride in the mountains in like 5 weeks (100 miles, ~4,000 ft elevation gain) and my training for is a little slack if we're being honest. I think it might kill me.
  15. Watching Ajax get rekt by PAOK in the Champions league qualifier.
  16. I ate McDonalds breakfast on my way into work this morning because hung titties.
  17. I am at work texting with my wife about her very frustrating time visiting her dad with our kids.
  18. Went to an outdoor fest and saw some bands. Gwar had an angsty teen goth Hitler decapitated and he sprayed blood for a bit. They also tore Trump apart, they also raped a few child cadavers but wife wasn’t super stoked on that. Then Slayer did Slayer things.
  19. Check out intermittent fasting: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/intermittent-fasting-guide Even if this isn't for you, Caligula is spot on with calorie tracking. Weight loss is 90% diet, you can't outwork a shitty diet. Good luck, keep at it, and when you feel shitty remember why you're doing it. Oh, and if you can, get on a bike. Great way to get cardio, leg day, and sight see your own city all at the same time.
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