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Everything posted by metronome

  1. I'm not Raven but I did read Seveneves a few months ago, and I really liked it. I just like that author in general though.
  2. Here’s a couple from recently that I still have kicking around in my photo roll:
  3. I don't get into it as much as my others (as you can see, haha). I liked it, I don't remember it well enough though. Need to go to it more.
  4. A little late but this is what my whisky cabinet looks like.
  5. Get a pizza stone. Game changer.
  6. Hard to pick a favourite scotch maker for me. I prefer the sherry'd to peaty but I am not picky. I'll get a pic of my collection tomorrow when I'm not at work and post it.
  7. I just bought my wife a vinyl copy of Lemonade for xmas.
  8. Reading a WW1 memoir and listening to Monstrosity's newest album.
  9. Personally I enjoyed him sharing his 00000 iPhone unlock code with all of us.
  10. I just acquired Isle of Dogs. Is it supposed to have a bunch of Japanese subtitles?
  11. ^ I need to watch the first season of that yet. Currently wrapping up season 3 of Hannibal with the wife.
  12. metronome


    Hardcore History Books Closed Statsbomb History on Fire Freakonomics Radio Holly Randall Unfiltered
  13. Here's a hot take: I read the entire Wheel of Time series and absolutely hated it. That said, yes, I read all 14 of them. In my defense, they were given to me and I read 95% of it at work. Maybe it's just Jordan's writing style I can't handle or the characters but I do not get the love that series gets from Fantasy readers all over the place.
  14. Easily my favourite Fantasy series ever. Finished reading The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen (which I really, really enjoyed. He writes a very good dis-functional family) and finished Forever Peace by Joe Haldeman. Now reading: A WW1 memoir I Read Shogun by Clavell years ago and it's probably one of my favourite books. Been sitting on Tai Pan for a while and am finally going to get around to reading it, may take me a while. And I have no idea what to expect from this one but it's also been sitting on my book shelf unread for a long time.
  15. ^ That one looks very very interesting. Thai basil with watermelon is something I'm having a hard time trying to imagine.
  16. I'd be into the book club too. Might help broaden the ole horizons.
  17. ^ congrats. Working a night shift. We just had team dinner, meat coma incoming.
  18. Watched this last night with the wife:
  19. I've never been able to read Cormac McCarthy back to back.
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