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Everything posted by metronome

  1. The thing that kills me about most of the vocal anti-covid vax folks I know, that talk about this as a reason why, have no issues with smoking and doing tons of drugs. All those are fine.
  2. My only sure thing to get past a bad hangover is to down a lot of water to the point my stomach and brain are both saying what the fuck is all this? Spew it out and then take an ibuprofen. Some people absolutely hate to puke. I am not one of them, and I will do it to make myself feel better.
  3. Why is it always an anime/furry avi
  4. We have our fair share of idiots here who do ridiculous things like protest the hospitals.
  5. Few more from over this past summer
  6. Never really thought about it but BJJ must be horrible for amateur injuries. Maybe worse than softball?
  7. What's going on with that pretzel?
  8. Semi related; once my wife and I were visiting Seattle and toured the Puget Sound aquarium. We get to the sea otters and a small crowd of kids + parents had gathered there watching one of them swim around. Parents were giving the kids sea otter factoids and when he saw he'd gotten a bit of an audience he flipped over onto his back and proudly showed off his giant sea otter boner. I'm convinced he knew what he was doing. Hilarious.
  9. metronome


    All I've ever used is Fizik Microtex
  10. Added a NordicTrack rowing machine to the home fitness line up. Totally my wife’s idea too.
  11. This is like those situations where a murdered person’s body is found by their spouse who just had to be involved in the search parties and somehow knew exactly where to go.
  12. Blue sports bra gets it. Pouch isn't scaring me off.
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