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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. In spite of still being sick, I copped some flicks and managed to collect my Lollipop man ID so I am now officially qualified by Main Roads to hold what is known as the Stop-slow "Bat" And as the course instructor told us, I can now officially say that "I'm Batman" and have the certification to prove it.
  2. The George Lucas one with the 45 reference made me LOL
  3. In other news I am returning to a place where "Tax collectors" ans their ilk congregate to earn a crust in order to czech out how bad I am at the artform which this place is based around as I finally did something that was 30 years delayed. Wonk saggin. *wink face emoji*
  4. $10 Dominos Hawai'ian pizza, garlic bread and a can of Sunkist as can be seen previously consumed in the pizza thread.
  5. I can't picture what haircut you mean, but Devin Townsend owned the skullet back in the day And the fact he recycled the hair for the Ziltoid puppet is even better I'm off to listen to some SYL as a result
  6. Thanks Man, but considering I have a Bachelors in Economics, a Diploma in Finance and Mortgage Broking Management, and a decade working in Banking and finance, the fact society would denigrate me to holding a "Stop/Slow" sign as the only labour I am capable of is a pathetic indictment on HR people and the AIs that scan CVs. At least I can truthfully tell any and all kids and teenagers looking to study business of any kind at uni to not waste their time given that AI & the existing NPCs already filling such roles are going to be doing all such roles before they even graduate and accrue the debt that will last them a lifetime. Especially considering I still owe money after graduating 16 years ago, and now have to work a job where I won't even be getting paid above the minimum HELP/HECS debt repayment threshold. I wonder how said universities are going to attract foreign students now that I will happily expose what a waste of time getting a Bachelors or Masters actually is in every form of social media that I can be bothered posting on.
  7. Traffic control. Finished my course last week and they make me go back today to pick up the licence so I can start applying for jobs.
  8. It's now been a week I have had this flu, but the appointment I hsd scheduled for today is now going to be done via phone, so I am saved from the rain, bus and train ride I was going to have to take to get there. This was accomplished by me verbally saying "I can't be fucked going to this appointment at 11am" once I saw the rain outside, and 5 mins later a text comes saying it will be via phone. I'll still have to go out to pick up my Lollipop Man licence this afternoon, so here is hoping the weather clears before then.
  9. My Mum got professional portraits taken of me and my Brother around this time. While I'm out of storage space on here, if I can see if she still has it, I shall post it as I had a long fringe like combed back over the shaved head, kind of like a wave, whilst my brother had a massive mullet. good times, and not cringe in the slightest.
  10. Saw this only after my Hitman reference above. 80s kids were lucky enough to be the beneficiaries of kayfabe and know what I mean.
  11. When I was 8 or 9 I had my fringe permed. It was the 80s & was probably thanks to Bret The Hitman Hart. It never really did anything to my hair though, I never looked like these tiktok kids because I had the classic #2 shaved head with a fringe at the time.
  12. Well I answered my own question in a Youtube post I made about some steroid user who diwd young when I said if I have regrets then I am doing myself a disservice, and as such, I can still be appreciative of such beauty guilt free as long as I look (or even shoot) with zero intentions of anything beyond that.
  13. Saw an aesthetic "10" female yesterday while looking for a black book in the grocery store, and whilst the past version of Me would have no doubt tried to convince her to at least model for my lens, My married brain kicked in and prevented Me from doing as such. Am I wrong for "suppressing the Devil" side of my consciousness for the "Angelic" in this instance? As truth be told, seeing such beauty is a VERY rare occurrence in this town, as whilst this girl was not "My" model of perfection (as she was My Height, so 5'8" or 5'9" is too tall for Me), in every discernible measurable metric she was perfect looking. So was I wrong here or should I just go full Akuma "Raging Demon" and continue to shoot girls with the Olympus EM1 only to spite the wife?
  14. Whilst I would never have worn these back then, I totally would rock them now if only to troll people. Would I rock a Dennis Rodman inspired bleached haircut in the process? As I did it in the 90s when he was still on the Spurs, probably. I think that the risks taken in design back then reflect my view that humans peaked in the 1990s and ever since we have been devolving as a species due to technology eroding our face to face relationships, our privacy, and our freedom (due to being contactable 24/7) as well as design since then all being rehashes of decades prior from the 60s forwards. This is why I wish I was a billionaire, just so I could commission a "church" of sorts that would be constructed like those of the past, albeit with the design cues that are original or at least reflective of the Y2K futurism era with the focus being on quality without concern for how long it takes to create. Again a Man can not only dream, but hold the residents of the simulation accountable for their desire to build rectangular glass coffins that stretch into the sky as they iterate how conformist and brain dead the species creative capacity has become, with the only real architecture risk I recall seeing is the cruise ship on top of two buildings in Singapore. Is that really the best we have to offer?
  15. While it may be lost on many, I'm pretty much viewing life as a video game and hence my parodying Computer Science and Networking anagrams into various aspects of my speech which are usually capitalised (LAN as Local Area Network) or pop culture references (PER = PHONEtically the same airport as Purgatorio, the place between Heaven and Hell ala the Divine Comedy) or the imagery that is found in the video. Hopefully it uploads quickly so you can see what I mean, but if anything it shows you around the place I met my wife and shows that I really couldn't give a shit what happens or what anyone else thinks of Me as I am truly "free" in every sense of the word from a mental perspective (finance is another matter). Because what happens if I have a conversation with any of these NPC drones who critique Me, I pull up Youtube and show Me driving a Lambo and living a life they mostly will only ever dream of which is my "Forever" reality and the things I do now are just the "topping on the cake" that is my life. And if showing how anally retentive and uptight the default human adult NPC avatar is in the process, then the greater the joy I experience in the process.
  16. it is pretty much the ultimate meme one can make of the capitalist society we live in where humans are too deluded by the allure of money such that they lose sight of happiness spawning from within. It is perhaps the greatest and most scathing piece of social commentary ever made given the connotations made by my critique of humanity and it's failings. Think the movie "Falling Down" applied in a real life shopping centre combined with the famous Airport stage of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 being executed by Me as the main invincible character impervious to any attempt at cutting away or detracting from my happiness. It's a huge file and will take at least a few hours to upload and i'm heading back to recharge my phone to ensure that the upload doesnt fail.
  17. So I'm currently uploading the footage to Youtube that will either see me released from the financial prison that is restraining my ability to travel to visit my fellow prophets so I can learn to paint using cans as opposed to My mind. or will get me completely cancelled forever (in which case I may have to think of other ways to finance my survival). This is the comment that describes the footage being uploaded, and is inspired by the recent Unreal 5 school shooter videos, along with a steady diet of action and ninja movies as a Kid. But I truly hope you enjoy this premiere I'll link when the full 33 minute video (FreeMa-Son -!m & all that!) that will be debuting here in Channel 0 for you all to try and make viral to help this Man who is broken financially but infinitely rich in spirit and imagination as this video will no doubt prove. You have probably seen this coming, yet here is my Youtube description of "Mauler - the Simulator" DISclaimer. this video contains EXtremely sarcastic, parodic scenes of media which already exists and if you are offended by this, I suggest you tell Centrelink to provide me with $1 for every human on Earth to have their Soul saved transferred into my Bank account so I can travel the globe spreading peace, love, laughter and prosperity to the masses. (Lest humanity all be soulless NPCs). Plus nobody was harmed in the making of this video, beyond me shattering the cognitive paradigm which corporate society seeks to beat out of children as they become adult slaves to the machine. In this demonstration of the power of "One's" imagination, I become the hero of my Own destiny as I go about racking up a chart topping kill streak as a grocery shopping run "Goes wrong" and a dimensional rift that resulted from CERN's atOM smashing 12 years prior sees Me trapped in the ultimate, real life, "Escape Room". Alien G-HO-sts appear as Man, woman and baby, yet not a single one is free from incurring the wrath of a Man, the one Man MOB, whose existence has seen Him emancipated from His wife through a myriad of political decisions, red tape, corrupt officials, and the financial imposition of monetary constraints restricting this Passport Holder to freely travel beyond the realms of the sandbox that is Purgatorio, modelled on the Australian suburb of Cannington, in PERth Western Australia. So watch on as the "Carosuel" spins and I top the "Cool" shooters list by getting more than 500 drone strike kills in this demonstration of the latest game developed by the Divine God creators and the Apache software Foundation as I go "Full Airwolf" and launch incessant Hellfire missile strikes against those who dare come for my scalp or worse, my backside as I remove their SIMulation privledges and send them to Hell where they belong, given they belong to a species who will denigrate their fellow man's existence for their ability to indulge in wars 2000 years after they learned murder was wrong when they killed Jesus the first go around. Now Matthew Luke returns as "The One who comes after Me is the one to be feared" as Matthew quoted Jesus saying during My initial playthrough of God testing Mankind. WARning. This game Contains strong LANguage due to me berating the parents whose selfishness saw them birth innocent children into this world inhabited by capitalist, evil drones who will r@p3, kill, steal and do whatever it takes to get the dollar they use not only as a means to exert control, but to keep Me captive with their Foundation of lies. Until the warmongers, pimps, drug pushers, and needle using junkies which can corrupt the life experiences of innocent children born into this world, "Mauler" will not stop His rampage of vengence as he saves innocent kids growing up to learn of the world full of "Evil Perthvverts" they have been born into due to their parent's desire to play God in creating life without any concern that society is going backwards in relation to human to human interaction post our merger with technology. If the antics of Mr Wick, or Mr Nukem appeal to you, then this new game which depicts the results of a world gone mad with lust, greed, power, and abuse of the control vested in those who govern us will show you how no amount of "The man" abusing his power will get this literal One "MAN" army down from enjoying His life as he "Takes the Power Back" from the Machine as Zach De La Rocha told Him to way back in 92. features to be added by next demonstration include- - identifying "People" from amongst the alien scurge by using "AirDrop" (as Dobby said in Peep Show, nobody with a Mac died in 9eleven" - Using NOS F&F style to bury the hordes using laughter akin to the Banshee wails of Mass Effect. Also secure your preorder now for the "HIV-is" clothing package which uses the "Power of the HIVis" to blend in anonymously amongst the hordes of NPC "Mars Workers" who plow the Red dirt deserts of Australia for minerals so they can line their pockETs with inflationary binary bank account balances.
  18. Looks like a busy day and that you love those IG filters maybe a little too much lol. Cool pics regardless
  19. Well considering a prolapsed asshole is usually referred to as a "RoseBUD" I figure you can guess the rest....
  20. Well being a celebrity in the cell phone age is truly a worthless thing compared to being a celebrity whose craziness was shielded to the memories of those present to witness it, or in the odd occasion, having their publicist leak some story to the press in order to continue to keep their client relevant. So whilst I understand Musk to be an astute businessman, who uses the internet to his advantage, I find the rest of the celebrity types of today to be shells of those that existed in the 80s and 90s. One thing that did give some semblance of hope was the Fast X premiere footage which had Vin Diesel and someone else either drunk or coked out of their minds (probably both). This is the kind of celebrity behaviour I condone to the degree whereby such people have nothing left to acheive in regards to their craft and are so rich that they can get fucked up and wasted for every day for the rest of their lives and it wouldn't make a dent in their accounts. Yet for others not with such resources, I would suggest avoiding such activities, given that you most likely have dreams and aspirations that give you a reason to exist and work towards bettering your ability to eventually reach the stage where you too can go "fuck it, I'm just gonna fuck myself up because I have nothing left to achieve or inspire me right now", only so when you inevitably get sick and tired of using drugs to get highs, you can look back and laugh at how fucked up you were like I'm sure JCVD does of his 90s Street Fighter $10k a day coke habit days.
  21. I was about to say "looks Summer-y" about the above pics. Whilst it is Winter here, the Sun is still out but it is damned cold in the mornings and at night.
  22. Epic photo. I would love to get out into the outdoors more when travelling as I have done enough of the central tourist centres of capital cities to have lasted a couple of lifetimes. I didn't see the fjords in Norway, as the most out of town I got was seeing the Olympic Ski jump, which gave me an appreciation for how insane those athletes are once I got to sense the actual scale of the jump in person. It was September when I saw it though, and I couldn't justify the $100 20 second flying fox ride down it so if I ever return I would do it if only because I didn't do it last time. I missed the Northern lights as well, as in spite of it being Autumn it was still cold
  23. I have yet to visit Finland, but did Sweden and Norway. Maybe next time I get to that region of the world I should pay it a visit? Any must do things to do in Finland you other tourists recommend seeing if this ever happens?
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