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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Man, I can't believe that anyone would spend ~$150 a month to watch cable tv given that I haven't watched tv since 2007 as everything is available on the internet via streaming services (or via the high seas if you wish to karmically run that risk). Or is there something that i'm missing here?
  2. The last few posts I wrote today are nonsensical and are grammatically poor as whatever thought I had in my head whilst writing them I couldn't verbalise correctly for whatever reason.
  3. jajajajajajajaja Seriously though I laughed out loud in reality given that I am strictly a one woman Man who respects and loves women too much to ever share them let alone pimp them out. My brother on the other hand.... It also doesn't help that the girl in this pic looks like my first ever GF but that wouldn't be known.
  4. That is the guy. Thanks to Youtubers like Kurt Caz and Timmy Karter, the favelas don't arm all that bad if you are extroverted and do not mind living in close proximity to other people.
  5. Same here. The oontz has been serving me memes since before they even existed on social media. And for those who remember the "I HAVE BECOME FREIGHTS" favela guy, "I have become meme" based on my ability to relate to any media.
  6. That is some Jamie Bond shit if there ever was one. I say Jamie given that is the name of the first girl to pull a gun on me as she was driving to the restaurant I was taking her and her girlfriend to so I could buy them dinner in exchange for them showing me around Vegas. Whilst to some it might just be an Aerosmith song, Jamie or Janie, it is all the same given my mother is Janet and all who is responsible for birthing me into this insane world
  7. As one with the initials of MO, I appreciate all the /nohomo calls on this board over the years. As whilst I might be a Professional, I ain't no Ho that is for damn sure.
  8. Let me guess, your mother had an original copy of the magazine laying around the house when you were growing up so you knew to search for it? If so, I hope you read the articles at least?
  9. A banana in memorial of Saint George Floyd's last moments. A much better way to pay respects than looting the LV and Gucci stores, but you know.....
  10. I believe that the more restrictions kids have placed upon them and the forced indoctrination of religious beliefs that are tied to a specific "cult", be it Christian, Catholic, Muslim or whatever only leads kids to rebel harder in their teen years as they have more to rebel against. Obviously I am in the minority in this regard, yet when I attended a Christian school for my initial highschool years only to rejoin my primary school friends in year 10, i found i was about a term and a half behind in the general ciriculum subjects of math amd science but had wicked experiences in outdoor ed and camping and shit.
  11. The funniest part of that magazine is that it was bought up no doubt by a simple search of his name I am guessing.
  12. I give the JWs in the city tests all the time about their knowledge of scripture and they fail every time. So I don't blame you for needing protection from them.
  13. I'll try that but it tries to upload to my attachments and then gives me the out of storage space error message last time I tried. well after meeting NGT, who I believed to be an AI constructed upon reading one of his books, which was like reading a Chat GPT/AI type compendium of seemingly unrelated yet related facts that went into depth about the development of lenses, telescopes, and navigation methodolgies using stars as reference points), I bumped into this sniffer stinking out the bus huffing fuel. I have been exposed to such sniffers since I was about 5 years old playing around at the local oval where I ran into glue sniffers which disposed a bag full of it in a bin I had to use to thriw a drink bottle in. Yet as someone who tried amyl at one point in time, I wonder whether going full cabbage and sniffing actual petrol like this would be a way of escaping the grim reality of being isolated with nobody capable or willing to hold actual conversations with Me on the intellectual level I exist on, to where I can no longer socialise to the stage I actually prevent myself from talking to people least I get ostracised and further punished "like Jesus" more than I already have. Whilst I have no problem going back to being an introvert like I am when I travel overseas and don't speak the native language, the fact I have to do it where I am having to literally retard myself in my native community so I don't destroy people's egos. While I go on about being financially restrained, having to verbally restrain myself from speaking the truth is an even worse prison to exist within. I guess the point I am trying to make is that I see through the charade of the people around me whose entire existence is predicated upon suppressing any truth lest it destroy their ego or false sense of reality. I guess I should just continue to shut up and be a passive observer and laugh to myself inside my own head at how deluded such people are in respect to how they choose to live their lives.
  14. What did he think was going to happen?
  15. Well Tasmania is a fair way from Belgium, so I can see how lost she was.
  16. This is somewhat relevant to this thread but how do I link a picture from facebook using my iphone without uploading it? As I literally just found Neil DeGrasse Tyson randomly walking the streets of Perth so I joked that he is actually real, to which he replied "I am a hologram" as I shook his hand, as in the wake of deep fakery, I am suspicious of any internet personality not being an AI construct until I meet them in the flesh.
  17. It is all good, as I will try to craft visuals using my lexicon of English to paint the scenes I encounter and experience in the interim. I would have got the VIP membership myself in 2019 or whatever it was, but finances went to other things that facilitated me being able to survive living below the poverty line at the time. And I would feel guilty asking for free stickers due to the postage costs to West Australia being an impost upon whomever was to send them my way. I stupidly forgot the sticker I have lefr, but will do a reconnassance mission to find a place to post them up this afternoon with the intent of collecting it tomorrow.
  18. I (and I'm sure others here) would be happy to proof read whatever you write and are willing to share, and I for one, would happily act as a cheerleader giving you positive encouragement to keep working on it via this thread, so be sure to advise of any progression in regards to your pursuit of such a goal. it would be interesting to Me to read what you have to say about morality, as I personally believe it exists, yet find that criminality is essentially the result of eschewing morality and the breaking of the Golden Rule. Whilst such a topic is extremely nuanced, given that the duplicity of those who run and participate in the Catholic Church covering for child abuser priests and other nefarious bullshit throughout history is in direct contravention of that which is "moral", One could argue that as we are effectively "One with God" in Our highest state of existence, then in being God, with everything else also being God, such depraved acts only see "God Fucking God" and as such all "morals" to speak of become irrelevant binary 1s and 0s similar to the priest sticking his dick in young children's assholes so that not only does 1 go into 0, they become equal and equivalent all at the same time. And yes, you know I have already become so numb to the fact that such fucked up atrocities exist and inhabit this world I live within, yet My own moral stance is that of existing as a "contrarian" to such behaviours whilst being unafraid to call out the literal "bottom feeders" who partake in such activities for being the reprehensible pieces of shit they truly are. As whilst one can morally justify any action if they see themselves as an avatar of God (which is how I see myself and encourage others to do the same), I think the challenge lies in finding techniques to not only persist in the face of such evil, but to obliterate it via utilisation of the least damaging method possible. Anyhow that is enough of a tangent which I wish to abstain from making in this thread, yet I hope the time I spent writing this post (20-30 mins) shows you how simple it is to make a start as I believe I wrote about a page worth of ideas in this post which meets the Bojangles goal. And now you can get back to the scheduled program/topic of this thread or whatever.
  19. That is what I thought too. But then I couldn't explain the spinning rotors surrounding it, and it isn't just photographic noise given that the "teeth" disappear at certain angles whilst it spins. What is even weirder is this was originally shot and uploaded to Youtube in landscape orientation, and now appears in both as being taken in portrait mode instead. I find it strange that more people have not watched the clip, as it is only 40 seconds long and the action happens when I zoom in around 10 seconds into the clip, as I saw it flying away from me and it initially appeared larger and closer but I took time to pull the camera out, and my finger appearing in the shot was because I needed ro manually adjust the screen brightness so could see when I zoomed in I had the object in the frame. Either way, these posts allow the alien "Devs" to anally probe my behaviour patterns a little more as they gather "ANALytics" on Me and my human behaviour patterns involving DEVIce interactions.
  20. Oh, and now I can use the fucked up social landscape of present day to claim "victim status" should anyone use my "dead name" of Matthew going forward lest they incur the wrath of the "Woke Twitter mob" whom make me embarrassed in my previous initials being MOB.
  21. Now that I think about it, the second chick could help make the peeing in the butt process easier (don't ask how I know this). Maybe I failed to realise that is what I should have done as opposed to realising that I only have one dick and the seven holes which a singular woman possesses which I can provide pleasure to was sufficient enough for Me and 14 was just too much to handle unless I spawned another pair of arms like Goro.
  22. It will only lead to disappointment, as we Men are only able to truly concentrate and focus on one thing at a time. Speaking from experience. Sounds like a great read. Not too dissimmilar to my life experience, minus the perved out nuns part (that came later) but what do you expect from women who wear the title that reflects them "getting none"?
  23. Well, the way I see it, if you still have your foreskin in tact then you are effectively "peeing in God's butt" everytime you piss, given what else does a closed over foreskin look like other than the outside of a butt?
  24. Good shit. I have also decided to use the name my parents apparently initially intended for Me to have, which is just my middle and first names swapped around so I now am getting used to telling everyone I meet My name is Luke. And funnily enough, my birth certificate not only has my surname initial being an "S"! This was before my Polish surname was changed "for business purposes" to my Grandmother's Maiden (Irish King) name, as well as to give Me and my brother as the first Australian born kids a fresh start after My original surname still had war connotations, but you can read between the lines there with what else I have said here. Good luck with being in witsec, and here is hoping you get to witness the birth of a new, better world going forward.
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