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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Also is "life" just us humans directing our very own snuff movie of which we are the star as we get fucked over and over until we die?
  2. If I have found a way to become an immortal vampire whose only sign of aging is I get white hair like a Witcher with all other physical attributes being as though I am forever 25, then could I legally fuck 16 year olds without ever being able to feel like a seedy old Man? Not that I will nor intend to do such a thibg, yet the hypothetical needs to be addressed and 3rd party input would be appreciated given that My desire would be to never become like the pedo priests in the Vatican who fuck young boys in the arse as a result of them trying to fuxk God in God's most vunerable and exposed form (ie. an innocent young child dependent upon the adults to provide a framework of how humans are to exist) in a sick and twisted game of literal fuckery.
  3. Just finished grocery shopping at Garden City after the Apple store told Me it will cost $1100 to replace My cracked 2017 Macbook screen. So in response to this, I bought a Lotto ticket, as winning Lotto will be the only way that I will ever afford to fix that and the $700 they quoted Me for My iPad Pro. In what seemed like a good omen, I took at shit at the toilet near centre management and a cutout of a rear view mirror from one of My pics of a Lambo I had printed out and intended to add to a collage which was stuck to My skin or underwear fell onto the toilet seat as I pulled My pants down to dump, so you best believe I took a shit on it as I wish to leave the shit and selfish shit cunts of My past behind and live a life of freedom not having to answer to anyone or any company beyond My own. So in the event I win Lotto tonight and find out tomorrow, I will take it as God repaying Me for the time I was stood up by the woman as I drove up to the mountaintop alone, lest I view God as a murdering warmongering child raping paedophile who has given Me a "greenlight" to indulge whatever sick activities I desire as a direct response for the restraints I have shown while being financially and physically restrained in the way I have been.
  4. I am going back to finish reading this thread knowing that ultimate tower of conquering one's own darkness comes from becoming a "tranny" in that I can transform My name of Mat O to "Atom" and in doing so I can reconfigure and transform any individual atom that exists within the avatar of anyone I encounter such that I make said atoms transform into a xenomorph whose role it is as cancer is to consume the individual of whose gaze, appearance, and overall vibrational energy they emit (call it an Au Ra or whatever) from the inside out. Consider this the result of dow's comment in this thread about a girl he was with giving him something anally only for it to feel like "backwards shitting" to him & the cancer I induce and spread within those I encounter with a nefarious soul will only see them spewing literal shit out of their mouths in place of the laughter they assumed they would derive from trying to hurt Me in the past.
  5. Also I should add "I haven't boffed a tranny. I haven't lived" (Jeremy Usbourne - Peep Show)
  6. I only just started reading this thread and got to page 16 before I needed to state the obvious if it hasn't been said. Getting a handjob from a tranny wouldn't be gay if the tranny made the Decepticon transforming sound from the OG Transformers cartoon. For obvious reasons. And RIP Dow, as can be seen this is truly a 12oz thread for the ages, but as I have My 12oz hat on and this is My most recently viewed thread as of making this post, I figure the AI algorithm is going to pump out more trannanigan type videos next time I visit the hub as a result of finally viewing this thread and axtually reading it.
  7. Well what I should do is draft My business proposal idea to the Government such that I could be given the ability to open what I would call "An Adult Education Academy" where I could be a Shaman whose role it is to teach a group of 12 18-24 year olds about the secrets to happiness yet I realise it already exists and I realise that I am currently a student in such a program (or I am going thru the process of using the extreme outlier experiences so that I can learnwhat I would and wouldn't include in such a program). Although My cirriculum would be much more pleasant in respect of physical environments and wouldn't feature the extreme isolation I endure. I will try and write some more about what I am wanting to do, yet I am tired after 12 consecutive days of work and getting up at 4:30am to do so (it is 9pm now).
  8. Disclaimer to today's rants. It is fucking hot here in Perth, and I just realised today that the gym I mostly go to out of convenience has no airconditioning, which is why I always feel grimy even immediately after a shower as the place is like a sauna. I think the hardest part for Me in life which creates a negative frame of reference is how it is implied and stated to Me that My experience in life is the exact same template as is used to create everyone else such that not only is My identity and character effectively a clone of all that has been experienced by previous versions of "The Human Program" such that I am 1.13 or 1.35, depending on how I choose to piece together the informational dataset I have collected and made associatons with various relevant points. As such, it is sad to view how I am supposed to view Myself as having a life that is worth anything whilst I get shown aspects of existence I am prevented from experiencing thru decisions which are made extraneous of Me (as in, who I would spend time with and what I would spend it doing with them), such that the implications I am supposed to be "jealous of Myself and those whose life was an exact clone of the one I live now" are not only beyond repetitive but additionally eradicate any and all future value that should be obtained should I pass My "AUDiT" in that the $AUD of Mine which ended up in Italy only proves that "IT is anything but a lie".
  9. And the inference and clanging of "restraints", be it cuffs or chains that are being applied to Me only serves to iterate how truly feared I am as if I wasn't feared why would there be any need to restrain Me? I fear no Man and as such have no desire to restrain, limit, bind or circumvent them from being free to live a life of happiness manifested by making others enjoy freedom and happiness with Me. It only follows that My awareness of the binds, be it to RPC (role playing characters), Admins, the Wheel, or any of the staff whose entire existence is centered around devoting their energy towards manifesting My experiential reality, leaves Me with total power and control of casting a judgement upon those whose negative and suppressive actions towards Me such that I would rather them continue to exist within the fucked up loveless construct they have manifested as their true intention os to suppress Me and My love as it is the thing they cannot replicate nor reproduce.
  10. I am at the gym trying to alleviate the weight of the world and it's pain off of My shoulders whilst I comprehend how the selfless sacrifices I make such that others never need endure such suffering, only to see the worthless pieces of shit that instigate Me experiencing further stresses realise that they have literally nothing in their lives that anyone could ever desire, want nor wish to have. To elaborate, consider the below summary of My day that lead to Me getting to the gym as I toy with the "edge of the blade" right now. (The "blade" in this instance being the metal gearing that instigates pain as "My" flesh is ground up and recycled by the machine that uses human emotional energy - specifically pain and suffering - as the fuel upon which it gains the greatest amount of power). "with this said, the people who have nothing else going on in their life but to be driving around Applecross in the morning or middle of a weekday because they have some sort of freedom, be it financial or as an aspect of their job, are on average probably the most miserable cunts of humans that exist as I continue to find out each time I work there. like driving around a block due to a detour as a result of the road literally being chopped up with a massive 6ft deep hole across both lanes is such an inconvience to these millionaries who by their entitled or angry reactions one would think that I had either fucked their mother in the arse (I am) or had killed their kids (given their kids will die an inevitable death, it follows that My Godly essence makes this happen too). That is the day I have had, pricks just pulling past blocked road signs to give me the middle finger only for Me to laugh at how pathetic such fools are in their feeble attempt to get attention. I am truly glad to have no money such that if I had money again and I ended up as miserable as such worthless cunts as those I dealt with today as a result of them trying to hunt Me down in their pathetic quest for relevance beyond an uncredited background extra who are in the "fool" group of worthless individuals who are not even worthy of an RPC (or Role Playing Character) that has any actual binding tie or relationship with Me . Anyway, apologies for the rant, yet I said I wished to catch up with you today yet I am tired. Mostly because of the shit energy other people directed at Me after I got all the way fron Midland to Applecross only for the tards lurking around there to prove that no amount of money or the social prestiges it affords can buy class or common human decency. I had to question why I have gone thru the shit I have so that those who reap the benefits from My sacrifices still choose to portray themselves as aborted fetuses which have somehow survived to become adults." While "the self" is but a mere illusion and I am just a couple of retina percieving bitmapped imagery that I compile into some perceptible constructed reality using the data sets I was indoctrinated with as a result of the programming instigated by school and media, My awareness of how whatever pain or suffering I experience that is offset by enjoyment by the other side of the edge only serves to allow Me to completely detach and see this world as being nothing more than a joke, with the butt of the joke being which side of the blade has a perception or feeling that whatever they experience isn't a completely arbitrarily worthless instance from within the infinite expanse of time that is immediately overwritten with the following sequential instance of time that is as meaningless as the moment that preceded it.
  11. I wake up with this song in My head all the time and I start the day with a laugh every time it happens.
  12. Had a Dominos butter chicken pizza with garlic bread ans Pepsi before My food coma induced siesta this afternoon. Now contemplating hitting up the gym to work some of it off but it is too damned hot.
  13. And thanks for still checking out My videos I post, as I make them solely for the people on 12oz. If I get at least 12 views a video then it is worth it for Me for obvious reasons.
  14. Well truthbe told, while a piss hole and trap door was in the van when I purchased it, I bought the hose with the funnel idea acquired from here, yet I got the idea from seeing people piss inbetween the door of the work utes, and in hearing how residents complained about the piss stains left as a result, I have decides that any night I get a shitty sleep due to sleeping in a place whereby the residents should have enough money and wealth such that they have better things to do than bother someone in a van parked out on the street that the appropriate course of action is to leave a "tag" on the street outside for them breeding shitty kids. I also have empty 10 litre water containers I can store piss in, so if I save some up I can leave a massive river of piss in My wake. In case you cannot tell, I am done tolerating a society whereby greed has gotten to the point that I, a person who has worked for 11 consecutive days at the only job left for Me to perform as a result of being unwilling to get 2 or more jabs with an experimental vaccine, is still unable to afford to rent a room within His weekly budget unless it is a total dump.
  15. And while I hate filming in portrait view, as the easiest option for Me to share on here is Youtube shorts I don't think I have a choice unless they eventually let Me go live (which as a Premium Member I should be allowed to by default as opposed to those who just milk the platform for revenue as opposed to paying into it, but what does a fool like Me know compared to worthless Mershes of the world?) And for those who didn't watch the posted clip of where I am sitting around all day waiting to leave the Crossroads, I am in the bush at the edge of phone reception dropping out.
  16. Realising I need the oontz to keep Me entertained whilst I await for someone who actually posseses a soul to stop and chat.
  17. So that is where My old Samsung vanished to when I departed for Europe all those years ago? #themoreyouknow
  18. TLDR ^ I will give a Golden Shower to the property of those who break The Golden Rule as I pee in her butt with a funnel. #12ozmemes
  19. I shall investigate. But however long My hiatus might be from indulging in 12oz memery, even if I lack the ability to stay away for a couple of hours, I will leave this here as My warning to the rich cunts in My city whose greed has driven Me to live in My van that I am going to view their property and what lies beyond it as My toilet as though I am a God (as opposed to a dog) that is off His leash such that I "Mark My territory" like a dog with a nasty piss stain outside their houses as a result of their greed driving up the price of housing to where it is unaffordable to all but those who have raped and pillaged the property market over the decades. As We in Ch0 all know what a funnel is for, and if I am peeing in it in the privacy of My domicile, then it is because the place that lies outside the Golden walls of My van is effectively a shit filled sewer. And I can't think of a worse punishment that one could recieve from those they treat as an enemy (in Me being ostracised from My ability to work in banking because the porno I made that was leaked to My colleagues made the males insecure little bitches who lack the ability to make love to their wives like a lesbian as they are all covertly gay (which is why they would watch a porno of mine to begin with), I can now literally "piss on them" as I leave a nasty stain on the property they use to base their identities as they tried to stain My career history.
  20. At work. Going to take a break from the Oontz for a while to see whther the lack of recent trackers associated with here affects My reality in any way. Nothing to do with any members here but a Predator haired witch I have encountered was begging for 12 so I need to try to see what happens when I disassociate from here. Also I realise the ultimate form of love is self love such that I am free to hate this world and those who keep Me a prisoner bound by financial restraibts such thr forced into a life of slavery as I watch these wasps jerk their didks into holes each day. Also I made a post on Facebookthat reads as follows. Revelation (Epilogue) So in My visit to the Underworld here in Perth aka Purgatory, I am considering making a statement and example by heading to one of the brothels in this city and using the last money I have to My name, and getting a "working girl" (a whore) who can have it on the provision that I can shove My hand with the cash inside of it up her arsehole as I tell the money handlers and exchangers of this world that they can take the primary tool used to control and subjugate Me and the girls they have lead to sell their priceless sexuality for a few meagre dollar and shove it right up their arse as money is shit to Me as are those "men" (note the lack of a capital M here) who use it to ruin the innocence of women as they turn relationships into a transaction by being "Johns" (as in a man who frequently visits prostitutes). So whilst "Revelation" was "The Apocalypse of John", I guess this would be Matthew 21:12 come to life as "The Money changers" get the tables turned as I let them know how shit those who use financial and monetary wealth as their primary source of power, influence and identity. The "Epilogue" in this instance refers to both the "logs" of shit that usually lie beyond the arsehole of said women and the data logs that social media companies extract as they dispense their subliminal control measures via algorithmic manipulation such that the murrent and potential future generations of kids are aspiring to become Onlyfans whores or like the soulless "influencers" that plague social media who have not loved nor lived long enough to possess the requisite life experience and knowledge to influence anyone beyond motivating them to "buy expensive shit so you can appear Supreme". It also refers to the fact that this is My Halloween idea of unleashing Hell upon those who have blindly turned this place into a literal shithole with their lies and deception of both themselves and those they have raised to exist in a soulless construct of a reality whereby it is entirely devoid of any "God" as they are all Dogs who eat other dogs in their quest to be the next "King at the top of the Mountain" that will be replaced just as they did 2 millenia ago to Jesus and have tried to do to Me in this iteration of the infinite loop where I come back again and again just to meme on the species who failed themselves and their creator as they seek to eat each other alive. Also never say "thankyou" to Me ever again as why would one thank the One whose choices in His true God like state saw the human species born as it consists if individuals whose only guarantee is death and living a life shared with family, friends and pets who are also going to die as they go about doing what they can to kill Mother Nature with their greed for obtaining fiscal riches. This is why I was cast 42 years in the past such that the one boy born of 40 years past who pimps out his own family (his step brother) so he can get drugs, money, encourage crimes such as theft, assaults and battery, and break and enters along with the subversive belief he has any tower beyond existing in his elder Brother's shadow. In all this world and everyone and everything in it is a joke and will remain as such forevermore as I will just live My same perfect and complete life on an infinite loop forever if only to take "Everything" from the human species who is too stupid to ever learn nor understand that My love is given freely and need not be feared, suppressed or commoditised into being transactional in nature and intent. Yet their attempt to steal it time and again sees their futile attempt to dwell in the knowledge that they will never have nor possess the knowledge of how it is to live in love devoid of fear of death as My life sees Me illustrate how dead inside the species of humans have become. Thanks for the tune Mr L, from Matthew Luke to Mr Luc, I love you for not being like those who take more than they can ever give as your music and hope of avoiding 2084 has seen Me inspired to do all I can to change the next extinction cycle from happening, only for the realisation that the existence humans currently experience sees them rendering themselves to the equivalent of never having existed at all as their entire world is founded upon a bed of lies and deception, and in the absence of any "truth" beyond that which exists within Me and My love for life, music and creation, this shall remain as fact until someone proves capable of sacrificing to the degree I have to prove their love to Me. Until such time, I will be either waiting or will write this same post out an infinite number of times to repeat the oldest joke ever told as I become the Phantom that haunts the dreams of the liars, cheaters, gamblers and theives who bet against Me and the House of God as I make humans My Hoes that I use MOney as My means of making a joke of them and the world they waste by their need to jerk off into holes to create more delusional kids destined to a life of learning 99.5% worthless information at school prior to spending their entire adult lives as a slave to money and obtaining it as their only ability to continue to afford to exist in the hope they can retire as an old and grey haired man or woman whose physical best form is decades past and replaced by the pain that sees them popping pill after pill to deal with the brutality of having lived their lives as slaves to the system. So given My initials can form 2/5ths of MOney and half of LOve, at least I am the side at the beginning of both terms with the capitals in both instances, so given I would rather leave MOney behind as My way of showing how this world left LOve behind long ago, all I will do is laugh as I know when humans die, they can expect to be confronted with Me laughing in their face at taking away everything they ever attached their identity to for their entire lives, being their family, their friends, their pets, their cars, their homes, their pets and their "assets" such that they may as well never have existed at all.
  21. If anyone watched My recent video whereby I discarded My recently cutoff hair that was in a ponytail such that it could become a "seahorse" and ride the tides of the ocean, I would credit this thread as being perhaps the main inspiration of inspiring such a creative seed. Also in having failed to have cast away the photos I wished to send as per the voodoo doll type mermaid/siren in said event, I respect those who are able to have cast a bottle out suxh that it doesn't end up back on the shore as My photos did just after casting it into the blue.
  22. I became conscious of this thru self realisation about a year or two ago. Sad that we exist in such a world.
  23. Not much to update, but I have discovered that 3 Landcruiser druving adult male TPWFs in Midland like to creep around a childrens playground at night and make animal noises for entertainment. I could think of an infinite number of things I could be doing with My life beyond being a complete public nuisance, but hey, I guess such TPWFtry is what fools in this area do to entertain themselves. FWIW, I am parked up just watching Youtube and going to sleep as I work tomorrow and Sunday otherwise I would be at the beach, believe that.
  24. I always viewed playing guitar as a way of wanking without beating one's meat. But this could be due to the type of guitar oriented music I mainly listen to?
  25. Well I thought you might it funny that today I worked with a chick named Serenity and all we did was talk philosophy, life and conspiracy as we bonded over us both being lesbians who drive vans. In all it was a good day and about the best adaption of the comic that is My life as Iron Man who stuck a magnet up his arse and detonated it via connecting to the electricity grid via his neon wand to test whether He was Thor and can shoot lightning from My fingertips. Also whatever link you posted isn't available in My country of Australia for whatever reason.
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